Part 31

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(y/n) smiled just a little, "I learned it." The boy gave a simple answer in hopes that would be the end of it but deep down he knew better. "Not everyone has the ability to learn it though." Draco wanted answers, he knew realistically he wouldn't be getting all his questions answered but he wanted at least one answered. "The simple answer would be because of my bloodline." The (h/c)ette didn't want to give too much away. If it wasn't safe to do so then he wouldn't. "And what line of blood would that be?" Draco was trying to push in a gentle manner but he really was just curious as to what was going on.

"Well, I genuinely thought your father would have told you but maybe he just assumed that you knew. I can't tell you though." The shorter male shrugged a little and hoped that the blonde wouldn't press. "So your bloodline is worth knowing then. I'll sit and think about that. That's all the questions I had though." Draco shrugged

"I come from a powerful line of Slytherins. I don't mean to be dismissive of your family since I know you hold them high." The
(H/c)ette didn't finish as he watched the blonde nod. Both of them knew what he had meant. He was implying that he came from a higher family than Draco.

The taller male didn't want to believe his father when he had said that the (h/c)ette was more powerful than they were but he had no other choice than to believe it now. "Harry really hesitated?" Draco wasn't sure why he asked. He saw it happen but for some reason he was still hoping the answer would be no. He would like to think that someone thinks he's worth saving. "Your highness, it's not worth thinking so hard about. I would have saved you." The words were simple, even (y/n) didn't think too hard on it, but it really did mean something to Draco.

"Why did you two get to skip out on stuff while the rest of us had to attend?" Blaise sat himself down next to Draco. The atmosphere felt weird, stiff but not like they were arguing. "Potter created an incident which we had taken part in by accident." Draco was quick to answer the question. He didn't want anyone to think that they were sneaking off together for other reasons. "Anyways, what news do you have for me Blaise, judging by your lack of flare in your arrival, you have news you don't like." The (h/c)ette gave a curious look, he knew that if the news was amusing then the dark skinned male would have arrived in a more upbeat manner.

Sometimes it was hard to tell since the other male always tried to keep a stone face, even while joking. "Well, there have been whispers that if things get worse.. maybe one or two more petrifications then they'll be sending students home. Of course, they want to find a different solution first but if they don't then we're all screwed." Blaise tried shrugging it off but he really didn't want to go home. His home didn't treat him all too well and he knew he would need an invitation from the Malfoys in order for his parents to let him stay there for a while.

"How are we supposed to do anything about that? The teachers should be trying harder on finding which student is the cause for this. I mean, seriously, the troll attack first year and now this." The short male was getting irritated, shouldn't the professors be smarter than this? They should be able to figure out which students are more likely to be the cause of the whole thing. "That's the thing, people are suspecting it's someone in Slytherin. They think it's either you or Draco." Blaise wiggled himself into his seat a bit more. He was not enjoying this conversation because he assumed it would end in some weird feelings, it almost always did.

In a way he understood since people were always accusing (y/n) of being the bad guy but who cares. For now, he is stuck telling the small boy that no one actually cares if he's "evil" or not they just want to see how it'll bother him.

"Who cares if they think it was me. If it were, I personally would have started with other people. I mean seriously, so far their list of people is not a contribution to Hogwarts. I would have went after Potter." Draco shrugged a little thinking he gave the best statement, something Blaise was secretly glad for. This way the conversation would be taking a different turn and no one's feelings would be hurt. "I guess it is interesting to see how people just assume. They don't actually try to see what people would gain from those who were petrified." The (h/c)ette nodded along before debating on if he wanted to try and catch the person linked to the notebook.

"It's almost time for dinner, aren't you excited?" Pansy strolled in hand full of books and parchment. "Busy day?" Blaise raised both of his eyebrows at what looked to be a large pile of homework. "Honestly, I'm starting to think this much work isn't worth the grades. I can fail, no one will know besides me." Pansy sat down looking at the assignments she would need to turn in by the end of the week or an owl would be sent home. "Well, and us now." (y/n) picked up some of the books to see what classes she needed to complete. It seemed like easy work but he can't assume everyone works the same.

"So how long do you think this will take you?" The shorter male looked at the dark haired girl who sighed, "Honestly, I say... week and a half because I still have to retain the knowledge for the term quizes." It was a mystery to all her friends how she had this much work to do. "Yeah.. so why don't you just actually do the work? You have the time. Don't be an idiot Parkinson." Draco lifted a piece of parchment by the corner and let it swing between his index finger and thumb. He knew Pansy wasn't stupid, in fact she was very smart. Her problem was involving herself in other things that didn't matter so she could purposefully get attention from her mother.

"I don't think it matters that much Draco, I can finish the work in plenty time. If I rush it I can get it done by the due date." Pansy shrugged a little more, she hadn't gotten an owl from her parents since the end of her first year. She missed them terribly but there was no way they'd be sending her a letter any time soon. "It is, we, and I do mean all of us. Should be top of our class. Get it together. You'd rather get an owl of appreciation than one of disappointment." The blonde spoke again while filling out his friends name on each sheet of parchment.

Pansy was finding it difficult, though she knew Draco was right. Her parents would be very displeased with her if she failed on purpose. "I guess you're right. I better get a gift for this." She rolled her eyes a little before opening her book and starting her work.

His Savior (Male ReaderX Draco, year 2)Where stories live. Discover now