Part 39

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Naturally, (e/c) eyes opened to the light that reached them. (y/n) smiled to himself a little, he slept well and finally woke up to his body clock rather than his friends screaming at him. "Oh, we're an early riser today I see. Good for you boss." Pansy stretched her arms above her head in order to get rid of the stiff feeling in her body. "Today is the day, we're getting a lesson we missed. I overheard some of the professors talking about it the other day. They say Lockhart hasn't been following the lesson plan like he's supposed to." Pansy watched as her friend nodded but never gave a full response.

Instead, the boy stretched before running out to find an empty washroom. He was late to waking up.

It bothered him when he was late but if he was early or on time then that meant he hadn't been sleeping so he couldn't tell if this was a win or not. After getting himself cleaned up the boy looked in the mirror for just a moment, apparently, a moment too long. "Do you enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror?" Draco was trying to find an empty washroom, since he didn't hear any noise from this one he thought it was free. "Not exactly. It's just been a while since I've looked in the mirror, I almost forgot what I look like." (y/n) wasn't the type to admire himself, he thought he was average looking so there was no need to stare.

"You look like a boy with a (h/c) mop on his head. A boy with a slightly sculpted jawline and perhaps a.. a nice sparkle in his eyes." At the start it was just a little teasing but toward the end Draco was actually starting to take the time to admire the boy in front of him.

He seemed to have gotten a little taller since the start of the year but he wouldn't say it out loud. "I'll get going then, wouldn't want to be wandering about here while you wash up. You might accuse me of being a pervert." The smaller male cleared his throat before leaving. He was trying to figure out what the blonde meant when he had said there was a sparkle in his eye. It was a little weird but it made him curious. The boy was quick to make it down to the grand hall before everyone else and took his seat. He would fill his plate until everyone else showed up.

After all, there was nothing else he could do. "Starting without the children? What a terrible father you are." Blaise sat himself down in his usual spot. "I was waiting but everyone was taking forever." The boy rolled his eyes as he noticed that everyone else was starting to arrive. As soon as breakfast ended he was quickly out of the grand hall and into his class. As much as he hated this years Defense Against the Dark Arts he was always early to it.

"Excited for today Mr. Riddle? I can tell, yes. You're here so early to see me." The blonde man was as happy as ever with that same posted smile on his face. "No, and don't call me that. The people around here don't know about my last name and I'd like to keep it that way. I hate your class that's why I come so quickly, I want to get it over with." (y/n) looked around to be sure no one else was coming in.

He was so careful to keep his name a secret that if this idiot were to have let it out now, he's not sure what he would do. "You're so hilarious, much like your uncle. Both the best secret fans I have." Gildory walked out of sight which confused the small boy a huge deal, until people started walking into the classroom. "I hope you don't mind me being here." Draco sat himself down next to the boy. He didn't care if the other did mind, he wasn't going to move. "I don't mind, though I was full heartedly expecting Pansy to be there." Both boys looked at each other for a moment before the blonde turned away, (e/c) eyes lingered for just a moment before hearing a door open.

"As you all know, I Gildory Lockhart am your handsome professor. I did however, forget to teach something very important at the start of the year." The man smiled brightly at his entire class. Perusual, most of the girls started to swoon over the man. It had disgusted the smaller male greatly. "Now be warned this is one of the foulest creatures of all time" The (h/c)ette eyed the cage, with a size like that he was sure it couldn't be anything too bad. "I must ask you not to scream as it might provoke them."At that the blonde man removed the small pink sheet off of the cage to reveal blue creatures with wings. They had the ugliest big eyes the small boy had ever seen.

"They look disgusting." (y/n) faked a gag which earned him a light slap from the person who sat beside him. "Cornish Pixies?" The two boys heard someone call out from the back of the class. The statement was practically a question but even then, it was easy to tell that the creatures were indeed pixies. If it wasn't clear before Lockhart had confirmed it not a second later.

"Freshly caught cornish Pixies, yes." With a big smile still on his face, the man waved an arm over toward the class before speaking again. "Laugh if you will, but pixies can be very deadly. Now, see what you make of them." The man released all the pixies from the cage which caused a grand chaos. The (h/c)ette was quick to grab onto the blonde in order to shield him. The smaller male had the other held close to his chest. "Get off me!" Draco was in a panicked state which lead him to shove the other boy out of his seat and run away.

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