Part 16

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(y/n) made his way down to the common room but had walked into something he was very confused on. "What the bloody hell are you two doing?" The (h/c)ette looked at the two who were wrestling each other on the ground. "He said he's Draco's number one but I am." Crabbe quickly stood but was confused when the male in front of him started laughing. "You can't seriously think that you're Draco's number." The small boy didn't like the idea of anyone calling themselves Draco's number one. If anything he himself is the number one, he's already done so much how can he not be.

"See, even he knows you're not the number one." Goyle stuck his tongue out at Crabbe which made the
(h/c)ette laugh again. "Well, I wasn't saying that you're his number one. If anyone here is Draco's number one it's me and don't you ever forget that, do you understand?" The two boys just nodded, they felt uncomfortable with the atmosphere, "Do I smell a hint of jealousy in here or is that something else?" Blaise walked over to his friend that had been frozen the moment he opened his mouth. "Well, (y/n) am I right?"

The (h/c)ette sat in his seat but said nothing, "It's always good to know that I'm right." at that the small male spoke, "You're always wrong. It's just that you're so delusional that no one says anything about it because you wouldn't believe it." laughter echoed in the common room which startled both boys, "Class is getting faster these days, what'd you think?" George sat down near the smaller male, "I guess, there's all that fuss about the stupid chamber now so I guess there's not much to study." The (h/c)ette was getting bored but he didn't know what to do so he just started to change the colors of the common room lights.

"You know, word around is that you and Draco are suspicious." The redhead wiggled his eyebrows and Blaise who laughed, "Well if that wasn't obvious enough mate, what, with all the jealousy bits." The laughing continued for a moment before the other was quick to understand. "Not that kind of suspicious, I meant the heir of Slytherin kind of suspicious." George laughed a little which made the shorter male slap him slightly. "Don't laugh, you'll make him be even more delusional." The three continued on talking for a while. They had been making their own suspicions of who the heir was.

Everytime they could only say (y/n) which both annoyed the (h/c)ette but also made him feel a little pride. Mainly because he wanted to control the monster in the chamber but also because he figured it would be pretty cool to be a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. During a story that was being told by the redhead, the smaller male noticed how he was wearing a ring now. "Wait wait, give me your hand." A (s/c) hand was pulling at the other males clothes until he did what was asked of him. The shorter male looked at it best he could and the ring was pretty neat.

"Yours is so cool, give it to me." The (h/c)ette had meant it as a joke, partially. The ring really did look cool, it was a lion with the letter 'W' on both sides. "Are you trying to get me to marry you?" George laughed a little when he saw how red the others face was. It really was funny, but he knew that they were likely not fated together. Normally, George wasn't a believer in those things. There was an old legend that went around Hogwarts back when his mother went. The legend was that, if one day you make your way up to the astronomy tower on a whim, on a day when you're feeling useless. You'll find the one person who will make you feel better, the two will have been fated to each other and never seperate. It's something he felt could really be real.

"I don't hate the idea, imagine how sexy we'd look together Georgie. It would be perfect." At this point there wasn't much to deny. (y/n) felt it safe to say, to himself that is, that he does indeed like blokes. Afterall, to him, George was much more attractive to him than any girl he's seen around school. "Maybe in a different universe, you're way too young, and short." George laughed a little but the truth was it hurt him just a bit. He had finally found someone who chose him first instead of his brother. The two of them would never work and he knew it. "Don't crush my dreams! Oh to be wed to a Weasley named George." The (h/c)ette laid cramped in his seat to be dramatic, he started to fake cry.

"What the bloody hell are you on about you can't seriously think marrying him is okay." Draco had picked up his pace in order to make it to the couch faster. He did not like what he was hearing, not one bit. "Relax, I don't know what you're so worked up over. It was a joke but even if it wasn't, who I marry is none of your business." The smaller male rolled his eyes, "Well, can I have a look at yours?" George pointed over at the boys (s/c) hand. He was hoping that then the conversation of 'Weasleys suck' would end. "It's only fair since I saw yours. Don't shit your trousers Draco, he's just going to look at it." Placing his hand in the cold ones, the (h/c)ette looked at the blonde who was just glaring.

"Need you be so touchy with him all the time?" His cold stare grew more and more intense the longer George touched the shorter males hand. "Well, I don't suppose you'd want me to touch you?" The moment the
(h/c)ette let the comment slip, pale cheeks turned crimson red. "Oh look, (y/n) you're making him blush." Blaise started to laugh, he had truly enjoyed every moment of watching this. "Don't be ridiculous, I'm just so disgusted at the suggestion." Draco waved a hand around in order to dismiss the conversation.

"I like yours, it's really neat looking. How long has it been in your family?" George was genuinely curious to know, his ring was in his family for a short while. Since his mother had so many children, some were needing to be made early.

"I think just about since my uncle was little, it was a gift from him since my father threw his out thinking the tradition was rather stupid." The
(h/c)ette shrugged a little, he really had no clue on if his ring was old or new. "I like the tradition, I think it's a rather sweet gesture." George smiled a little, this tradition was one of his favorites ever. "Me too, I like it a lot."

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