Chapter 16. Struggling

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I'm not going to lie, I feel downtrodden and kind of annoyed when no one votes or comments even though there's a lot of reads.

It would just be nice to get some good feedback or something . . . idk, I just wish some of you guys would leave some thoughts or critique ig, idk it makes me just not feel motivated to write more chapters, like it's pointless-ish.

not edited.

Carter's POV***

My eyes slightly opened into slits. Images were blurry, like I was underwater. A feeling of fire in my chest, made my loll my head back, but something held it up.

"Stay awake Carter!" Someone growled, but it sounded like gibberish, like someone yelling inside a cave.

I wasn't sure who's voice it was, but judging by the warmth palpitating into my body it had to have been Dalton. My head began to spin and pound all at once.

My eyes closed again, taking me into a dark and deep slumber.


My eyes opened once more, and I was now rocking back and forth. I tried to open my mouth, but my throat burned with dryness. The heavy feeling in my chest returned and I wanted nothing more than to fall unconscious again. Panic and exhaustion swept through me, causing me to close my heavy eyes again.

"Carter, don't you dare."

I forced them open and blinked. There was no warmth eminating from his touch. Two large unfamiliar arms wrapped around me.

"Ga . . G . ." I couldn't finish my words, it took too much.

"Hey, don't worry, everything will be okay, we've got the best doctors coming and-"

But his words turned into babbling and sleep began to flirt with me.


There was no fire; no electric bolts or nails ramming into my body. There were dull aches and a bad headache, but it was bearable.

"She's waking up."

"How long does she have before it starts again?"

"A couple days at maximum. Worst case scenario-"

"This is the worst case scenario."

Voices echoed around the room. My fingers lightly twitched. It was soft underneath me. Perhaps a bed? I didn't want to open my eyes yet. I was scared that if I would then the niceness of it all would vanish and I'd return to the dark place and continue to live in that world if terror.

"I have her chart, and her tests have returned-"

"What are they?"


"Don't even think about sugar coating it."

A man sighed before I could hear a faint whisper. I inhaled through my nose, and lightly forced my my right eye to open into a squint. A man in a suit stood next to Dalton and Gavin, who all had angry or worried looks on their faces.

I tried to say "Hey guys, I'm alive," but it came out as a raspy, old, woman wheeze.

Their eyes snapped to me in an instant, and Gavin immediately came to my side while the other two stood in their spot.

My gaze rested on Dalton's blank face.

"Water," Gavin ordered. I rested my eyes for another brief second before a bottle was shoved into my dry lips. I opened both of my eyes in shock, despite my drowsiness.

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