21 - the past returns

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As they got to the Bellani grave she was nowhere to be seen.

«Aelia, it's Jongho and Yeosang, the others are not here,» Yeosang said out loud into the darkness. «We just wanted to maybe... talk with you?»

After a few long seconds, there was finally some ruffling in the bushes further down by the fence. Aelia stood up and came over towards them.

«Hey, Aelia,» Yeo carefully smiled, but she interrupted him.

«Where is Felix?»

«Listen,» Jongho sighed. «We can't...»

«You can't what? Talk to me?»

«We can't tell you anything.»

«Then why are you here?»

«We wanted to talk to you!»

«So, you're not going to tell me anything, but I'm supposed to tell you things?»


She looked between the two of them and then closed her eyes for a moment. She had them right here, so close she could touch them, and yet the distance felt enormous.

«Can I hug you?» Yeo asked.

«No!» Her response was quick and she stepped back.

He looked hurt, but she had to protect herself. She couldn't get close to them again, it would be too painful.

«Please tell me Felix is okay at least?»

They just looked at her. She couldn't help the tears from streaming down her face.

«Please! Yeo! Jongho?» She looked at them with pleading eyes. Yeo had tears in his eyes as well, but he just couldn't break a promise.

«We're sorry.»

«Fine! Whatever!» She aggressively dried her tears and stared into their eyes, not backing down for even a second. «I wish you would tell Felix that I miss him, that's all.»

«We miss you too,» Jongho said.

She couldn't help but scoff, even as tears still fell from her eyes. «Right. Well, I'll get going now.»

«Where are you going?»

«Like you care!» she said, losing some of her cool. She tried to keep her emotions under wraps, but meeting someone from her past made that difficult.

«Aelia, we care!» Yeo said, furrowing his brow.

«Yeah, I've noticed. Not one of you came to see me after the fire.»

«Hey! You're the one who left us!» Yeo hissed. Aelia just looked at him, her face impossible to read at this point. «You were just gone, and no one knew where to find you.»

The obvious anger on Yeo's face made her want to make a crude comeback, but her heart was hurting too badly. It had been painful the night of the fire, incredibly painful, but now... knowing he had lied to all of them to make it seem like she had just left them all behind... San really hated her. Deep down that fear from her childhood, the fear of not being good enough, resurfaced. She pushed it back as best she could.

«Yeah, that's exactly what happened,» she said, not able to keep it all in. The hope that had started to smolder when she heard them saying her name into the dark just minutes ago, was quickly snuffed out. She was truly alone, wasn't she. Well, so be it. «I guess I'll just have to do this on my own, then.»

Her last words were more for herself than anyone else, and she didn't wait to hear what more they had to say.

«I'm sorry,» she said, quickly kissing Yeo's cheek, and then Jongho's, before running down the gravel path, away from them.

Yeo wanted to run after her, but Jongho grabbed his arm.

«Let her go, babe,» Jongho said.


«No, I think we have to fix things back home before reconnecting with Aelia. We have to do this right.»

«Congratulations, slave, I'm finally approving you for auction.»

He looked at the director with hateful eyes.

«Yeah, that attitude is going to bring in a lot of money, so keep it up, slave,» the director scoffed. «You get your name today. Are you curious?»

He scoffed. The gag he wore effectively kept him from answering. He had talked back one too many times.

«Yeah, I knew you would be, pretty boy.» The director came over to the kneeling man and smirked. «Your name is Dragon. Like it?» He let his hand glide through the slave's moist hair. He was freshly showered for the director. «Now, my guards are going to bring you over to my desk and you're going to behave yourself. If you don't, I'm going to let them have their turn after I'm done with you.»

Dragon had no plans on behaving. He couldn't trust a word the older man said. The guards would probably get their turn no matter what he did.

Now that she had her memory back, Aelia knew it was drawing closer. With the stickers being gone, the shops closing down, people disappearing... They were going into the final phase. There wasn't much time if she wanted to be a part of it. And not only did she want to, she needed to be. It was crucial for all of those slaves injected with the serum that made them lose their memory. But she was not included anymore, she didn't know the details, didn't know how and when and where... In her old life, Hyunjin would have trusted her with all the information she needed. Actually, he would have been dependent on her help. Now...

Aelia spent that night mixing a huge batch of the serum she had taken herself. She scavenged the hospital for ingredients, knowing this would be very noticeable. She couldn't stay any longer.

The very next morning Aelia collected the few things she owned in a small bag and left the hospital. This time it was for good, she knew that. It was raining, completely fitting her mood, and she pulled up the hood of her jacket when a familiar voice called her name. She turned towards the man with the dark voice.


«Yeah, it's me,» he said, tears already evident in his voice.

One long hug later they found their way into Felix's car. They went for breakfast at a nearby diner. Aelia was tired, but seeing Felix made her happy.

«Can I ask? Did you get your memory back?»

«I did,» she said, a little hesitance still in her voice.

«That's good! Right? Or do you remember bad things?»

«Some bad things, some good things. I don't feel like I am that person anymore.»

«Slavery changes you,» he nodded. «Can I tell you a secret?»


He chuckled at her swift response.

«I found out where my old master works now.»

He looked at her with worry on his beautiful face, scared of her judgment.

«Are you going to see him?»

«I don't know!»

«Are you scared of him?»

«No! I'm not scared of him, he would never hurt me. He never did. He was just stupid and lost me in a bet. But... I don't know if I really want to talk to him, or... maybe I could just look at him from a distance?»

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