27 - Why is he here?

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He woke up hearing the shower going. It felt so normal, so domestic, so... perfect. It took a few blessed seconds for him to remember where he was, who he was.... The bed felt warm and comfortable, and he stretched and yawned. His back felt sore and suddenly, everything came rushing back to him. He wasn't home, he didn't even know where home was. This feeling of safety was fleeting, it wasn't real. He sat up in bed, glancing over at the window where the curtain was open. The weather outside was grey, like his mind.

When the bathroom opened, he quickly bowed his head down. He would have wanted to kneel, but he was sitting in the middle of the bed.

«Hey, you're awake,» she said. «Did you sleep well?»

«Yes, thank you, mi... Aelia.»

«Good. That's good.»

She seemed to be distracted, and he glanced up at her as she moved to the wardrobe. When he saw her shed the bathrobe, he quickly averted his eyes, but there was something so familiar about it. Did he have someone? Before becoming a slave? Was he used to spend his nights with someone, seeing them get undressed, bathing with them? For some reason, he just knew he should be more scared than he actually was. He had been terrified when she bought him, but that feeling quickly subsided, without him even realizing it. He dared to look at her now. That was strictly against slave rules. The same was staying in bed like this. He should be kneeling on the floor.

«Here,» she said, putting some folded clothes on the bed. «I hope these will be okay. Would you like to get dressed? We can have breakfast and then go out, if you want.»


«Outside, into the garden.»

«To talk?»

«Yes, I promised we would talk.»

«Thank you, Aelia,» he said, grabbing the clothes and going towards the bathroom.

He felt her eyes on him, but he didn't turn to look.

The clothes fit him perfectly. When he came back into the bedroom he heard her make a noise as soon as she saw him. It scared him, and his first reaction was to fall to his knees.

«No, I'm sorry,» she quickly said and came over. «Please, get up. Don't kneel for me.»

«You're my mistress, I will kneel for you.»

«No, I.. Please.»

He heard that she was crying, and he looked up at her. It was like all sense left him, all he thought about was seeing her face. Her eyes met his while the tears were flowing freely. It was painful to watch. He could see she was holding back.

«You can touch me, Aelia,» he said. It felt like a stupid thing to say, he was her slave after all, and yet she shook her head.


«I'm your slave. You can do whatever you want.»

«It's not right,» she cried, turning away from him.

That's when he reached out and took her hand.

She looked at his hand holding hers, then she looked at his face.

«It feels right,» he said. His head and heart were conflicted. He knew the slave rules, but his heart felt a connection to this woman. He would do anything for her, and that was... weird. Was this what no one told you about being a slave? The complete and utter trust you had in the one owning you?

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