chapter 1, is he new?

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An alarm went ringing through my ears, I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom. I couldn't believe myself the first time in 2 weeks I have fell asleep good! I haven't been able to sleep for somewhat reason but that doesn't matter I need to get ready for school! I changed, brushed my teeth etc. As I waited for my sister to hurry up I went to say goodbye to my mother and father afterall I need to shower respect towards them.

"Good morning mother!" I said as my mom turned to face me and give me the brightest smile ever. "Oh good morning my angel! Aren't you going to eat?" My mother gesture the table that shows bread and Nutella, I wanted to eat so bad but it wouldn't hurt if i got some ... right? "Oh okay thanks!" I said grabbing a piece of toast as my father glared at me, I gluped and chewed on the peice of toast as my sister came running down the hall, tripping on the floors.

"Good morning mom!" My sister yelled hugging my mother, "good morning dad!" Amy said as she went over to hug my father as well with a smile. My sister has always done what she wanted, she gotten tones of love and of course I do too! But she gets different love.. she gets the love where she doesn't need much manners towards my parents, she wasn't force doing things that weren't necessary like I did! She is the favorite but I'm the favorite outside. Since I'm the kid everyone wants my parents, well my father acts if I'm his favorite son! But in reality my father hates me which is normL because he was never in my life mostly my mother, that's why I love her so much I would do anything for her.

As me and Amy left, we had 30 minutes before school starts and I needed something to full me, I needed energy so I told Amy that if it was okay if we could of gone to the Cafe real quick and thankfully she agreed! We both talked what siblings would talk about! "Come where are here!" I said holding the door for my sister as she got inside. This Cafe has always been my favorite since I was little because of their muffins.

I ordered my order and asked my sister she wanted anything, as she was taking her order i looked beside me to see a boy sitting down with the most interesting hair i have seen.. it seems he has curly hair but really curly! I don't want to seen like a stalker so I looked away but I wonder who he was since I never seen him here before.. was he new? Wait so if he is new and if he is a teenager would that mean..a new kid?!

I paid for the orders and me and my sister waited until we got what we wanted. Our drinks came in and we both left since there was 15 minutes left before the first bell rings. "How did you think about the boy?" Amy says as she drinking her coffee. "Pardon me?" I say confused. "You know the boy with curly hair? Did you find his interesting?" Amy says looking up at Me. "Well I guess?" I say taking a sip of my coffee which was stupid because it was really hot!

"Well just saying if he is new then he would of have to go here at our school which means you would show him around since you always have to when you the golden boy after all" Amy says which was right.. but I didn't mind he looked chill so a new friend wouldn't hurt right? "It's fine he looks cool!" I say speed walking since we are getting close to school. "Well yea like last time where you had a friend and then they took a picture of you when you were showering?" Amy says laughing a little at the end. "Stop!!" I said pushing her a bit. "Well bye brucey and Goodluck!" Amy said as she went over where her friends were and I parted my ways to my friends.

A new friend wouldn't hurt nobody..





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