chapter 6, problems

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I was walking with Javier to school and as Javier was blabbing about something, my mind was... somewhere else. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday with me and Bruce. Even tho i didn't make the comment it's still embarrassing and plus he has to sit next to me all semester!

"Vv you good?" Javier says pushing my arm. "Oh yea why?" I said putting my hands inside my pockets. "Mm nothing you just looked.. wait are you thinking about someone?" Javier says making his eyebrows go up. "What no! You don't even know what your talking about!" I said pushing Javier making his almost trip. "You are! Vv likes someone!" Javier says smiling.

Me and Javier pushed eachother and once we got inside the school we had to stop since a teacher warned us. I walked over to my locker while Javier was waiting so we could walk to our class but then I felt a tug on my arm making me turn around. "What the fuck?!" I said and as I turn around I see the same exact annoying bitch that I swear I would beat the shit out of.

"Ay puto! We couldn't fight yesterday since your pussy ass didn't want to but Come on! You said you would beat the shit out of me so do it, or you gonna be a pussy?" Robin says laughing while a taller kid beside him started to kick robin and trying to pull him away.

"Mm yea leave with your boyfriend already twerp" I said glaring at robin. "Don't think your tough! Imm beat the shit out of you and your friend!" Robin says looking at me and Javier. "Vete a la mierda, déjame a mí y a Vance solos!" Javier says while more and more kids start to show up. TRANSLATE "Fuck off, leave me and Vance alone"

"You wanna fight then get your ass over here?" I said as I felt a punch on my face. I heard people say 'ooo!' Or 'robin gonna land in the hospital!' My nose was bleeding as I hold it down and seeing robin smirk. I grabbed Robin's hair and smashed his face into my locker while I shove some of my body weight and slam into him.

Robin groans and slowly falls to the ground, I grabbed his shirt and slam his body onto the lockers. I punched slammed my my head onto his face hearing noises behide me. Robin mutters something out that I didn't quite hear. "What?" I say and then robin punched me in my stomach making me groan in pain. Robin then runs over to me and start punching me while I'm on the ground.

vance grabbs both of Robin's arms and flip his over making robin be on the ground now. Vance starts to punch robin in the face and picked robin up slamming his body on the locker while holding his neck, choking him while robin struggle to breath. Robin was in the air holding onto vance hands trying to get out of vances grip but failed. "You wanna mess with me again?!" Vance says yelling into robins face.

Robin furrowed his brows and choked. "Y-your a bitch!" Robin mutters out still trying to breath. Vance was going land another punch onto Robin's face until there was a yell. "VANCE HOPPER IN MY OFFICE NOW!" the principle yells while the teens scatter and run out of the fight trying not to get involved. Vance rolled his eyes and threw robin leaving robin choke onto his own life.

Vance walks with the principle by his side and a few nurses running over to robin to help him. Javier was with vance since he was a victim and he didn't have to go but went either way to say how it robin fault that caused vance to get his anger out.

Vance was sitting down with Javier by his side, 2 teachers one next to vance and another one by the door if case vance 'runs out'. "Vance what the hell was that! Am I going to need to call your father again!?" The principle yells while beeping number onto the phone. "Call him I don't give shits!" Vance says rolling his eyes but deeply down inside of him he DID care what his father would do to him. "Yes hello! May you please bring bruce Yamada down to the office okay thank you!" The principle says hanging up the phone and looking over at vance who was death glaring at her.

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