chapter 2, realization

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I saw finney coming my way as I ignored my thoughts. "Hey bruce!" Finney says smiling. I was about to say something till I saw someone with the same exact curly hair I saw rhis morning in the cafe. "Uhm bruce?" Finney says waving his hand in my face. "Oh my bad! Hey finn" I said while my eyes followed the blonde that went inside of the school. "Who are you looking at?" Finney said as he turned around and saw the same thing i am seeing.

"He looks new huh" Finney says that brought my attention. "True, this morning I was in the Cafe with my sister and I saw the same hairstyle..I wonder if it was him?" I said as I brought my attention back to finney. "Well I hope he isn't rude I don't need another bully behide my back!" Finney says laughing. "Well isn't that boy, hmm oh robin! Didn't he protect you from your bullies?" I said while me and finney walked going to our classes. "Well once but oh boy that doesn't mean my whole life! Plus the kid barely knows me" Finney says frowning. Finney had shown that he has a small thing for this boy, robin but he always declines.

As we entered the class, we have gotten a few stares which was annoying because what did they needed to stare at? No reason! I sat in the middle with finney and we both talked about our thoughts about random things but that was until the door opened and a our teacher came in already about to talk but that was when a other teacher came in to talk to her. "Oh hmm I see Well okay! Bruce come!" The teacher explained as I got up from my seat and felt burning stares at my back I walked over to what the teacher wanted and waited.

I was outside of the classroom with a teacher, I followed her because I had no idea what was going wrong! Did I do something? Oh I hope I didn't. As we walked more further I saw the principle office and I was trying not to think what I was thinking but it better be not what I think!

We went inside and I saw the principal talking to a boy i have never seen in my life, he has the same exact hair that I saw this morning and in the cafe was he a new student! does this mean a new friend? "Oh hello bruce! Take a seat." I smlied and sat next to this mysterious boy. "As you can see, this is vance hopper and he is a new student from Denver! From his problems he had to move and-" before the principal could explain he was cut off by someone. " Okay quit the bullshit and get to the point!" I'm guessing his name was vance has yelled out. "Hopper.. we don't curse but what I waa trying to say as I was rudly interrupted.!" The principle explained as I turned my head to see the boy rolled his eyes.

"Would you be able to show this boy around the school and his classes? Even some manners would help!" The principle said as he gesture us we could leave. "Yes sir" I said as I pushed my teacher and waited for the other boy to follow along. "Don't worry any classes you both miss its and excuse now go along and don't do anything dumb!" Said the principle as I opened the door to be alone with this boy, I was nervous and embarrassed by what the principle said..what did she meant about don't do anything dumb? Ugh whatever I need to show vancr around and maybe even be his friend! Unless he doesn't too but who wouldn't wanna be my friend?

"Have you ever been to Denver before?" I said to start a conversation. "Didn't you hear the dipshit? No dumbfuck!" The boy said as he crossed him arms. Wow okay "I was trying to be nice but someone woke up in the wrong side in the bed!" I said as vance scoffed. "Just show me around I don't have time for your shit!" Vance said, I guess he is going to be hard to be friends with..

I lead vance showing all the different type of classroom like the art room, math, English, history ect.. I then showed him the cafeteria, the PE Cort and many clubs if thats if he wants to join. "Are you interested in any clubs?" I said facing vance, I haven't seen his face because his hair would cover everything but I see that he has really good features like his eyes are deep blue, he has small freckles around his cheeks, his lips are a tinted pink, his eyebrows are bushy, wait I shouldn't be thinking about his lips! That sounds werid.

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