chapter 4, he talks!

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Vance rushed our of his yelling house and tried to stop the tears from coming from his eyes. Vance couldn't believe that he was crying, he hamster cried since his mom slapped him in the face when he was younger. He speed walked to school not wanting to see anyone but of course today had to make the day even worser by making kids be outside, vance earned glares and shocked noises like 'why is he crying?' 'Such a wussy!' Vance ignored the thoughts and pushed the people his way to get to class.

Vance cleaned his face but felt his eyes starting to burn in pain. He tried ti blinked it away but it got ever worser to the point Vance had to bring his hands to his eyes. As vance closed his eyes for a second he could feel his eyes relax a bit but that's till the teacher came and make everything go bad and ass!

"GO to your texts books page 132!" The teacher yelled as some goarned, vance goarned but that was because his eyes started to burn even more. The reason vances eyes started to burn was because supposedly for his punishment, his father forced vance to put drugs in his eyes so vance wouldn't be able to pick up a fight, of course vance could still see and would still be able to win a fight but goddammit it burned so bad!

43 minutes go by and the bell would ring any minute now, vance would finally be able to wash his eye since the teacher didn't allow vance to go to the restroom. When vance heard the bell he rushed out and tried to remember where the restroom was, he thought he found it but sadly it wasn't, ut was just a couple making out.

Vance finally found the restroom and as he opened the door he saw finney and bruce oh why him! Why why, why!
Vance ignored there stares and washed his face. The place was filled with slience until Bruce noticed vances eye. "Vance what happened?" Brucr asked walking closer to vance as finney tried pulling bruce. "Fuck off!" Vance says placing a paper Towel in his eye.

"Don't you say anything else of fuck off?" Bruce says. Vance glares at Bruce with the eye that doesn't hurt. "Look just leave me alone!" Vance says throwing away the paper towel and pushing both finney and bruce so he could smoke in the small window in the corner.

"Oh wow he talks!" Bruce says smiling, bruce turned to face finney who was jaw was 20ft down like his mom. "What the fuck you looking at bitch!?" Vance says looking over at the two who were glaring at eachother, both of them stopped from there traces and stood their shocked. "Uhm I uh should get going uh bye bruce!" Finney says walking backwards before sprinting off.

"Sooo... wanna be friends?" Bruce says walking closer to tge smoking boy. "No dipshit" Vance says puffing out the smoke. "Please? I know you would want an amazing friend..!" Bruce says leaning against the wall. "Why do you even talk to me? Haven't you heard the rumors, I'm impolite, rude, and everything that no parent wants!" Vance says looking at the clouds. "Well I always think just because someone has something bad outside doesn't mean there heart could be bad aswell" Bruce says fiddling with his fingers.

"Hm, your such a dork" Vance says inhaling more of his cigarette. "Does this make us friends? Or at least can you talk to me in class?" Bruce says doing his puppy eyes looking over at vance. Vance took the last breath of the cigarette, burned it onto the walk and closed the window. Brucr was confused since how was vance going to let the smoke out of his mouth without leaving the smell here?

"No dipshit" Vance says blowing the smoke into Bruce's face and walking out after grabbing his backpack. Bruce cough a little and waved his hand for the smoke to go away, bruce thought how vance was so stubborn because he knew he was alone so why suffer alone?

He needs to and he will, try to be his friend. He will try and try until he is friends with....

Vance hopper.




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