Uno reverse, love

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It was 2:30pm and it was the time where Bruce should be heading to his last and final class of the day before going home and relax, well of course homework is due but still! Bruce speed through the hauls and finally made to his classroom and sat in the middle table next to some chicks that were giggling, wearing short crop tops with there low waist jeans and thongs showing. Bruce found it disgusting since it was annoying and he didn't want some white ass being alk over him since it happens every.single.time

Bruce sat down and waited for his friend, finney Blake, to come and play uno with him since the class they both had was a class that a teacher doesn't care what you do and both finney, bruce said they would play uno. The door flew open, wide and a figure came while walking like an Edgar and walked over to Bruce whole having all the eyes on him. "WASSUPP DAWGY BRUCEYA!" Finney yelled showing his hand out to shake Bruce's hand.

Bruce laughed and shaked his hand. Finney brought out the uno cards and laid them out for him and bruce. A couple of other kids joined like billy Showalter, Kendra jemison, robin arellano, and even vance hopper!

Finney shorted out the cards and gave each and everyone there set of cards while he glazed every 5 minutes at robin. "Yo chill with the staring!" Bruce says whispering to finney who looked shocked and seeing robin smirk. Finney finally finished and sat down embarrassed. Billy went first then robin, finney, Kendra, vance, and finally bruce.

The game went on till billy won and they started a second round. Bruce realized he only had 3 cards left so he would be able to win ! "Alright vance your turn!" Billy says while vance scammed through his cards, that was subtle vance smiled and threw on a 4+ card and laughed while finney and other other giggled knowing vance made bruce strike of winning fail.

"Awwe fuck!" Bruce wines while vance smirks. "Too bad." Vance whispered to bruce while the other take there turns. "Fuck you." Brucr whispers not wanting vance ti hear buy vance heard what bruce said loud and clear!

"Uno reverse, love" Vance says whispering into Bruce ear making bruce shiver and go warm. Bruce sat there confused and his eyes went wide while his stomach felt weird. "Bruce?" Finney said calling out at Bruce who was really red and coverd his mouth. "Mhm?" Bruce mutters out leaving others confused. "Uhm bruce it's your turn?" Kendra says laughing at the end of her sentence. "Skip" Bruce says covering his eyes. "Uh what?" Robin says laughing.

"Come on bruce, what's wrong?" Vance says whispering at Bruce who uncovered his face and looked over at vance who was glaring at Bruce. "Shut up!" Bruce says looking away while he felt butterflies go through him. "Bruce seriously what's wrong?" Billy asked coming closer to bruce. "Omg your red! Are you sick?" Kendra screams out leaving vance laughing to himself.

"Bruce what's wrong? Talk since that is what you always dooo!" Vance says snickering st brucr who slapped him in the arm. Rounds went by and not a single thing made brucr forget what vance did, was he messing with me? Bruce thought. Vance at the end threw all the cards out the window since he got angry and finney was shocked. "Ay stop being a bad loser bitch!" Robin says turning over at vance. "Say another word and your ass is on the hospital bed." Vance says pushing his finger at robin. Robin glared at vance while vance walked away with Bruce.

"Vance what the hell was that!" Bruce says trying to still cool himself down with a cold water bottle. "Ah.. call down it wasn't a big deal! Anyways go with your nerdy friends" Vance says laughing at Bruce who was still red. "Shut up! Whatever !" Bruce says speeding away from the conversation and left vance laughing by himself.

"See ya tomorrow, love!" Vance yells whike bruce flopped him off and walked even more faster but got even more redder. Bruce giggled by himself and almost feeling the guts to throw up since he has never and I mean never heard a guy call Bruce love! But the best part that it was from him, the guy Bruce has wanted to hug since he seen him.
Bruce wanted to kiss his neck and tell him how special he was even tho they haven't even talked but come on!

Love in first sight is real.




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