chapter 3 injured boy

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Class ended and I left faster then a blot to find my friends but then I noticed vance running to the bathroom ? Class was going to start any minute now and I needed to grabbed my books before im late to class! I rush through the slow walkers and finally found my locker, when I open it I see a note slowly start falling to the ground. I look around ti see if anyone did this but I grab the note and stuffed it into pocket and grabbed my books slamming my locker and running straight to class, I was going to be late! I'm never ever late.. oh I hope they don't call my parents, especially my father and if they do I might not make it alive..

Brucr rushed to go to his next class but then he heard noises coming from a hall, like the chismose he is he got closer and tried his best to hear the conversation. "Give me your lunch money fag!" A boy said. Then more mutters where heard, then there was noises of kicking and small yelling. Bruce couldn't fight so what was he thinking to go in and help this person.

Bruce went closer to the stall and saw it was his friend, finney on the ground coverd in blood and 3 boys hovering him. Bruce came closer and pushed the boy off from finney causing the boy to fall on his face and goarn in pain. The other 2 boys looked at the boy and then tried there head to bruce. Bruce felt like he couldn't breath since he saw their the boys, it was Matty gang. Bruce knew from the first day that Matty and his crew HATED Bruce, they always bullied him since 6th grade. Bruce wanted to run and leave but inside of him couldn't.

"What the fuck do you think u are?" Boy 1 said coming closer to bruce. "You think your so punk just by pushing me on the floor?" Matt said coming closer to bruce pushing him on the locker. Before Bruce could even breath he felt a hard punch on his face. He fell onto the ground in pain, he hold his cheek down in many many pain. As Matt came closer he kicked bruce in the stomach and started calling his words. "Never punch me you fag!" Matt yelled kicking bruce. Bruce winced in pain and felt tears begin to fall to his cheek.

"Awww brucey gonna cry? cry bitch!" Another boy came as he crouched down to Bruce's  face and begin to punch him. Boy 1 and boy 2 picked up the injured boy and pinned his arms to the walk to let Matt punched the guts out of bruce.
"This is what fags get!" Matt says punching bruce in the face. Bruce cried and cried in pain as his whole body burned in pain. Then he felt hid body go down to the ground and then yelling were heard, bruce could hear what was going on because his whole body hurted but he felt 2 arms around him and pick him up, they started to walk somewhere that bruce had no idea but all he wants is to be safe, safe away from Matt.

Bruce was laid down in a bed, sleeping as vance waited in a chair. He didn't know why he even helped bruce in teh first place, was it worth his time to go and beat Matt up to save bruce? No! But something werid inside of him felt the need to help bruce.. Vance waited and waited until he heard goarns coming from the boy who laid in bed.

Bruce woke up and felt his body to burn, his body felt like he broke all of his bones. "Where am i?" Bruce said as he looked around not noticing vance. "The nurses office" Vance mumble out as bruce jumped in frightened. "Oh you scared me, how did I get here?" Bruce said as he sat up to look at his bruises from his arms. "Um I took you here, but it was because the teacher told me!" Vance said as he tried to think of and excuse.

Bruce smiled knowing the boy that didn't want nothing to do with him helped bruce and saved his life. Their were slience in the room til bruce broke it. "Thank you." Bruce said looking straight into vance's eyes whole smiling. Vance was going to say something but the same feeling he felt in the bathroom came again and he looked away. "W-whatever this doesn't mean I still don't want anything else from you!" Vanec said as he brought his hand to his burning cheek.

"Mhm! But thank you!" Bruce says kicking his feet a little. Bruce didn't know what to feel, was he supposed to feel happy? Hurt? Nope he felt exitced but why? After all vance showed rude towards bruce but this just gave bruce more attention to give to vance wanting to be friends.

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