chapter 9, detentions first kiss

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"HEY!" Bruce yelled getting thrown I into the room, the door locked and there was the sound of kids running and giggling. Bruce got up from the floor and massage his head, he look up to see a curly head bitting into an apple. "Vance why are you here?" Bruce says coming closer to vance. "Because I was force too now leave me alone and sit down your distracting me" vance says bitting even harder in his apple.

"But-" Bruce was about to say something else but he signed amd walked to a different seat to sit down, well this should he fun bruce thought sitting in a seat for an hour and half.


Bruce sat alone, bored and he looked at the clock which said it has only been 10 minutes. Bruce look over at vance who wasnt at his seat anymore, bruce looked around and when he turned his head he almost jumped from his seat and screamed. Vance was sitting next to bruce still bitting onto his apple and sitting peacefully. "Ah! What the heck vance" Bruce says as vance laughs. "What's wrong princess? Where you looking for me" Vance says as bruce scoffs and turns his head to face the window that showed a few kids with their phones and filming both Bruce and vance every movement.

"Weridos.." vance said as he threw his apple away, wanting it to land on the trashcan but failed and ended up on the teachers desk. "Uhm vance go throw that away!" Bruce says. "Hell no" Vance says.


A few more minutes go by and bruce was now reading a book while vance sat down full of boredom. Of course he was going to annoy bruce but in what way? Then vance felt a light go above his head, he has an idea! Vance slowly got out of his chair and creeped up to bruce who was reading a book peacefully. "BOO!" Vance yelled as bruce turned around quickly and pinned vance down with a pencil in his other arm.

"WHO IS THAT!" Bruce screamed and as he opened his eyes he sees vance red and then bruce turns his head to see girls and guys squealing while taking photos and videos, well this will sure go to the newspaper.

"Omg I'm so sorry!" Bruce said as he got off of vance and failed and fell again on top of vance, Bruce's face landed on vance face making there lips connect. Bruce was shock, his eyes were widen and vance was super shocked. There was screaming of people saying 'SHIP' or  'OMG' bruce wa still shock but didn't disconnected his lips from vance, neither did vance. A few seconds later vance pulled away leaving a string of saliva hanging. Bruce got off vance quickly and coverd his face while vance was in a corner and hugging his feet while he hid he face. Bruce was walking in circles as he felt Butterflies BURN his stomach but how or why didn't bruce
Pull away?! Did Maybe bruce like it? NO HE CANT! or can he...?


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