chapter 5, new seats.

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Bruce left off to class and as he opened the door he could see a flood of teenagers going over to a small space and some yelling like 'yes!' Or 'fuck!' Bruce thought it would be about if he made something good in school since that was something he wants to do. As he went closer and closer, pushing people out of his way and seeing it was a seating chart.

Oh Bruce couldn't explain how annoyed he was! He could either sit next to a complete bitch or another one of his fan girls. He tried to find his name and as he was looking through the names he found his name and then he pointed his finger next to his name to see vance hopper. Oh ! Bruce wasn't mad.. he actually quite enjoyed it wa vance since he been trying to become friends with him.

Bruce giggles over to his seat and sits down to see an angry poodle already sitting down with his arms cross as usual. Bruce looked over at vance who looked angry but brucr couldn't stop staring.  "What you staring at?!" Vance yelled, bruce got out of his thoughts and didn't even realize he has been staring at vance for the past 5 minutes, why the hell was Bruce staring?!

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Bruce said quickly leaning to his chair and staring at the board which had words like, 'YOUR SEATING CHARTS ARE ASS!' bruce found that quite opposite actually, bruce wonders why he has been wanting to sit next to vance ever since they locked eyes. And now that day had come, which brought a small smile to Bruce's face. Vance noticed and saw how bruce would smile, his eyes would slightly close and dimples showing, oh how vance felt hearts in his eyes when seeing Bruce's dimples because they remind him of his mother but bruce was an better person than his mother.

Vance sounded annoyed about the seating charts but was he really? Nope. In fact he caught himself from smiling after seeing Bruce's name on the board next to his name, and when I mean his I mean vance hopper the boy who everyone fears and scares expect Bruce.

Vance was bored and close to even pointing a gun to the teacher who wouldn't stop talking about her husband that left her for another woman who was more 'hot' vance had enough of her bullshit so he HAD to say something, Surprisely students found this hilarious.

"Ay shut the fuck up with your husband problems and go suck Mr Clark dick!" Vance said putting his head into his crossed arms in the table. Some students giggled, including bruce. Vance didn't care What others thought, he only cared what Bruce thought somehow. "That was rude hopper!" The teacher yelled half glaring over at vance.

The teacher ignored vance and continued blabbing about her life, bruce thought it was better than her teaching the class. Bruce looked around the room and his eyes landed on vance's arm, bruce didnt even realize how strung vance looked, especially the way he crossed his arms showed how buff his arms looked and by the angry expression that made his brows furrow made bruce cheeks feel warm. "Vance.." bruce whispered not wanting to get the teacher attention. "What?" Vance says. "You work out?" Bruce says pointing at his arms. Vance scoffed and looked away. "Your arms look hot" Bruce says out of nowhere, bruce then coverd his mouth and sink into his chair in embarrassment.

"Whatever dipshit" Vance says looking away but could feel his face get heated up by the words that came out of Bruce's mouth. Brucr could be messing sound vance thought since that was life does, people mess with you to make you feel good about yourself but then find out it was a lie. The clock was going mote slower making the place between vance and bruce got even mote awkward.


Vance finally made it to lunch after surviving the awkwardness from him and bruce, and made his way to grabbed shit food to stuff it into Javiers mouth. Javier is vances friend, they both have nothing in common but love to hangout with eachother since they find themselves quite relatable but still have nothing in common. Some things about Javier is that he is Hispanic, nice guy, respects woman, and is really good with people so that's why many Latinas want him. As vance walked over to Javier vance ruffled his curly hair. "Ay pendjo!" Javier yells smiling while seeing his friend he hasn't seen since a few hours ago.

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