chapter 8, princess bruce has done something!

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Third person pov.
The belled ringed and student started to pack their shit up to head to their next class. Bruce left and pushed the people away from his distance trying to reach his next class. As bruce finally got to science he opened the door and sat down on one of the seats and waited patiently for the teacher to arrive.

Bruce noticed how people stared at him and whisper to their friends while death staring him. Bruce looked away but then felt a paper ball hit his head. As he looked down he grabbed the ball and opened it without knowing if it was for him or not.


Bruce was confused as he read the paper over and over again looking over at the teens laughing historically, bruce threw the paper away as more whispers coverd the slience of the room making it noticeable who is talking about who.
The door opened and the whole room went silent as the sound of boots were heard. Squeaky boots came walking, closer, and closer to bruce making bruce look down and stare down at his paper wishing whoever this person was won't make a comment about him since whatever he does is gay or werid.

"Someone sitting here?" The person says as bruce shakes his head slowly, the room was still silent then bruce heard a chair move loudly seeing a pair of brown boots under the table since he was staring hard down the paper he could see his shoes and the other person's shoes. The boots looked like someone he knew that would wear them, someone named vance? Could it possible? Why would vance hopper sit next to the biggest nerd?! Maybe vance just wants the answers from Bruce, or maybe something else... who knows?

As the class started, after the teacher came looking tired from God knows what, she explained about the rules of the experiment of what they would be doing and let them do it by there selfs. That was a very bad idea leaving a classroom from the ages 15-16 BY THEIR SELFS. Well, the next thing you know is that the classroom ended up going on fire since a kid blew up something and made everyone wanna try it aswell in the same time so THAT didn't end to well did it?


"Fuck!" Vance says flopping down his seat angrily. "Calm down Mr angry pants" bruce says looking at both of the cups of colors infront of him, checking them out. "Oh ya really princess? Then how would you know?" Vance says licking his teeth seeing Bruce froze but shake his head. "I think i found out how to make this pink juice go blue!" Bruce says jumping happily. "And second do not call me that!" Bruce says looking over at vance who had his feet on the table. "I can do whatever I want princess and plus last time I called something even worser and you didn't say anything so what's wrong now?" Vance says while Bruce struggles what to say until there a boom.

Students including vance and bruce even plenty of others, stayed quiet and saw a teen blowing up there colors with borax. Many others were surprised and tried it their own to see if it worked, and it did sadly. Vance tried it out aswell so who would of guess that this would be the first time bruce was interested. "Hey uhm can I try?" Bruce says looking over at vance who exploded another cup. "Wow the princess isn't princessing? Sure why not your majesty" Vance says backing away but too far since he knew bruce wouldn't do THAT much.

Bruce gulped down and his fingers shaked as people stared seeing the golden boy doing something he shouldn't be doing. Then all you could hear was a BOOM!!! the students fell to the ground in pain as their ears ringed loudly and the fire alarm went off. Some students looked up to see a huge fire over where bruce was and bruce screaming like a girl as he was on top of vances arms while vance arm were holding bruce. Students awed and some even giggled seeing the most interesting most cutest cannon ever. At the end of the day, bruce was sadly blamed but for a good reason because after seeing Bruce and vance some students thought it would be a good idea to...

Lock bruce and vance in detention for the WHOLE DAY, bruce doesn't know so what will happen? How would bruce or vance think about this?




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