Chap. 4 Sans House

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Author POV:

Sans: "heh......welcome to my house human......I hope you find it comfortable here....also don't worry about having to take you shoes off just get comfortable and relax....I think it's been a hard day for all of us...and don't worry I'm not here to hurt ya or do anything to ya...I mean I literally just carried you all the way here so you don't damage that sprain ya have.....*he gently places you on the couch and offers to put the luggage that you were carrying on the floor, to which you nod to.* Sans: "so.......y/n right?" y/n: "yes...that's my name heh...."*you avert your gaze from him after saying that, and you felt very awkward* Sans: "are you hungry, thirsty? You want anything in general?" *he looked at you and you could see his eye lights twinkle a bit?, it was strange but eh* y/n: "umm.......some sweet tea would be nice.....and if you don't have any...then .....water would be good as well...."*your voice was starting to get a bit quiet* Sans: "sorry, but what was that last part you said?" *you look up at him and say* y/n: "um water would also be nice as well...."*your voice was slightly louder but still pretty quiet, Sans says "alright" and heads to what you assume is the kitchen*

Sans POV:

Wow! Wow! Just WOW!......can't believe I'm having a beautiful human here......jeez what am I even thinking! We just met!!!.....arghhhhhh!!! I can feel my face heating up pretty badly! She's probably waiting and wondering where her drink is or OR why is it taking so long!!! *I reach for a packet that says sweet tea, heh not really a creative name huh?* oh well I hope she likes it...I'm sure she will...and she must have taken a bad hit from that fall I bet. *I started dumping the tea substance into a cup of water that I was stirring with a spoon, then I place the cup in a microwave, for 4 minutes, sigh* poor human....I hope she feel welcome here....or doesn't think I'm a creep or something like that...She's so cute with the way she talks and......what she does.....she was also super light when I was carrying her.....I wonder if my bro Pap would like her?.....probably I mean....we haven't seen a human here....and this human......seems much different that frisk.....a lot.....she doesn't seem like the type to kill.....far to quiet and gentle....yeah....she's defiantly cute and gentle * I could feel myself start daydreaming and a blush spread across my face, until the beeping of the microwave caught me out of my trance, but that still didn't wipe that annoying Blau that was still stuck to my face uh! Which was super annoying, I decided to go and give the human the tea she wanted, I took it out of the microwave and proceeded to exit the kitchen, I saw her, and looked at me a jump a little how cute*

Your POV:

this house seems very nice, cozy, and has this homey vibe to it....Sans seems very nice as well, and I think I could trust him...I mean everyone's a stranger when you don't know them maybe I'll try and open up to him a bit....*I was caught in my thoughts zoning out a bit until I saw made me jump a bit because I'm still not used to seeing a Skelton being able to move around...he looked kind of different he this blue stuff on his face? Was he sick, blushing, hurt, or was it some weird blue paint? It was very strange to see him like that, he approached me with the tea he had and placed it on the table that was in front of the couch, I wanted to ask him about the blue stuff that's as on his face but I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable or bothered by what I would say so I just kept quiet, I took the tea carefully off the table and made sure it was cool enough so I could drink it...I took a sip and the taste was so good! was very yummy* "Hey Sans..." *sans looked up at me in question and responded with "Yes"* I decided to look away from him to shy..."I want to thank you for the's very tasty." *you look back at him, and you could see the blue stuff on his face increase* Sans: n-no problem was actually quite easy to make heh.....*I could see the blue stuff on his face was died down a bit but was still visible to see, I wonder?.....was he blushing? couldn't be maybe he was just happy that you enjoyed the tea he made.. Sans: "well uhh...I'm gonna be in my room if ya need me! And the bathroom is upstairs if ya need it heh........" And with that he did something that was super cool! He vanished! I looked around to see if he went somewhere....but it seems like he just teleported away? You really didn't know...but I'm happy to know that I met someone kind like sans and not someone who was scary or had any evil intentions, *and with that thought you took another sip of your tea, and set it down, *you yawn as you found yourself being extremely tired* "what a day." *you stretched out your tired aching limbs from all that running, but you be careful from your sprain that you had* I probably have another assignment from school that due.....*sigh* I'll just take a small nap and then I'll do it later.....*you take off your shoes and set them off to the side carefully, you take off your jacket since it's starting to get hot in the house, and you use it as a blanket and you lay down and slowly drift off to bed*

OMG sorry for switching POVs so much my bad lol TT and I hope you're having a nice day or night! ^^ Byeeeeeee

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