Chap. 45 Some Mall Drama

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while
I've been having readers block recently TT

Author POV:

"Augh! I said teleport us to a STORE! not a mall dimwit!" Error said angrily as you couldn't help but look around surprised by how big the place was, I mean you've been in a mall before but not one that was this big. "Well Sorry but I was thinking about there are shopping uhh supplies and groceries we can get here ya know?, don't be such a downer." Fell said as Error shot him a glare. "SO um...where are we going first?" you asked as you could feel the excitement build up inside you.

"Uhhh we should get some clothes and get the groceries last since....groceries can go bad if there out to long." Fell said as Error agreed, the three of you walked up to a store that was titled "Buy it all!!!" as the three of you walked in. "Greeting! welcome to buy it all, we hope you have a great shopping experience here!" The cat at the front desk said as Error rolled his eye lights. "uh-huh sure." he said as he followed you into a clothes place. Fell gasped a bit as he saw a section that had a bunch of cool punk clothing.

"I-I'll be right back!" he said as he ran off towards the section. Error looked back at you to see you looking through clothes. "Is there a type your looking for?" He asked making you jump a bit. "O-oh just kinda look around and see if I find anything that seems cool I guess." You said quietly as you looked away from him. "Cool..." Error said as he tightened his grip in his pocket, since he as holding onto a doll...hmm perhaps I should get her something as well...and I should put the doll in there..." he thought as he let go of the doll and looked around the store.

"Hey I'll umm be right back I'll be looking in the snacks section of this place or whatever." Error said as you nodded and he just walked away. "Error was looking through the snacks as he sighed in annoyance. he then heard some laughter come from where y/n was as he looked back to see three guys, that had skateboards and beanie's on. "Hey sup girly~" one of them said as they tried to flirt with y/n. "umm hi.." I could tell she was clearly uncomfortable with those guys getting up in her business, which made me mad. "How dare they make puppet uncomfortable." I muttered as I was hiding behind the snack bar watching them.

"Maybe if I just wait they'll leave her alone." I said as I watched more closely. "Oh so your one of those girls huh?" the one with a blue beenie said making y/n back up a bit. "Um..what do you mean?" She said as the three of them laughed. "You know what I mean~...the shy ones!" the one with the green Beenie said. "Also the names Greg cutie." He said as he made some finger guns, and y/n nodded. "So what's your name?" Greg asked as he leaned closer near y/n. "'s y/n." She said as the blue hoodie came up behind her and picked her up making you let out a small "eep"

as he placed you back down laughing. "You fun to play with Toy, also the names Chaz, and the dude with the emo cut is name Darren." He said as he pointed at the very emo looking one who just waved at her. "How dare they call her a TOY...okay now that gets on my nerves!" I said through greeted teeth. "Soooo you taken or what?" Greg said as he gave her a brow wave, Before you could respond Error jumped in and wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you closer to him.

"Yes she is taken...and I'm her lover so back off idiots!" Error said as the three of them backed away a bit. "W-wait Greg! that was the guy we just saw from earlier?...You didn't seem like you were dating?" Chaz said as Error glared at him. "What do you mean?...what are lovers supposed to do huh?" Error said in an annoyed tone, as the three of them snickered. "Well, my mom told me you suppose to kiss and make out n stuff..." He said with a smirk as you blushed a bit.

"Yeah prove that you really are lovers by kissing in front of us passionately-" Before Chaz could finish you pulled Error's face close to you as you kissed him romantically, which caused Error to make crashing sounds as the three of them snickered. "Woah woah easy there you two! no need to be all lovey dovey in a store here." Greg said as they all got in there skateboards and left the store, as the cat at the front desk from before chased them.

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