Chap. 21 A Moring Garden Adventure

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Your POV:

"WHY!!!-" all of a sudden I close my eyes and I see words in cursive appear in front of me..... as silence filled this quiet empty place.....the words said "Star S A T A N ' S...." and then I wake up with blue strings surrounding me....I breathed heavily as I look around frantically... I hear the sound of a fridge and I see Error was getting himself a glass of water...."Error?" I ask and he frantically spins around and looks at me with his eyes wide open....the his face turns to tired he was grumbling a bit....He just proceeded to leave the kitchen with me following from behind as his blue strings pulled me along...

He was back at the balcony and I see Storm was still sleeping and the bird was as well...I yawn a bit as Error flops onto the hammock and gently set's me down there with him....I yawn a bit "Um....*Yawns* I'll sleep in the living room you can have your space back-" I was cut off with him hugging me and lying on the hammock as he was snuggling me......."Mine." I hear the destroyer mumble...."umm....but you-" he tighten his bit a little bit more " talking..." He says in a bit of a rude tone....I wanted to get up and move but I was afraid that is I tried to Error would hurt me...

so I just stayed like that....after a while I feel myself starting to drift off to bed...and it was quite nice...Error was surprisingly gentle and caring for being what he calls himself, and that is a Destroyer, I would think a destroyer would act more violent...not kind and caring.....I felt calm and at ease...and that usually would happen to me whenever I got a night terror or nightmare...I would have it and then I wouldn't remember what happened at all... I feel the fear that I once had with that night terror fade away until it was finally gone....and with my last thought I fall asleep again....

Errors POV:

weird....y/n finally woke puppet finally awoken....I didn't understand why but...when I had physical contact with you human....I didn't glitch made me feel calm....and well normal, like usual...which was strange...strange enough to where you catch my attention've just became mine.....and whenever anything becomes's hard for me to lose interest...And I think this interest....I won't be letting go of sooner or later....I pulled her a bit closer as I gently run my fingers through her soft smelled nice...the smell was entrancing...and with that thought I fall asleep again...

In the Morning!!!!!

Horrors POV:

I was making breakfast like usual...And I here Dust come into the kitchen...I look ad he had crutches on...and he looked frankly annoyed..."sup...." I hear him say as he proceeded to go to the kitchen table...and sit down....I flip one of pancakes I was cooking...."So....did Boss....really hurt cha that bad?"....He grumbles a bit at me "Yes! what do you think it looks like asshole!" he yells a bit at me which surprised me a bit..."*sighs* Look i was trying to start up a know how bad I'm at doing it....." I see him look away from me a bit guilty...."'s just that the pain killers I had to take to ease the pain got me in a bad mood this morning.."

I just shrug at him....Usually when boss punishes us physically by beating us or breaking a bone or two...he doesn't allow us to use magic to heal it...he makes us use medicines, bandages, etc. to heal our wounds...he says that it's to enforce discipline...but it's just gets me annoyed most of the time....I walk over to Dust and give him pancakes with whip Cream, and a strawberry on top..."Thanks..." he says as he grabs his fork and starts eating...I hear footsteps and I see Error...but what really surprised me was that he was carrying y/n with him....I hear him yawn.. and I just see y/n waving at us a bit..."What the..." Dust murmured quietly..."Good morning'd ya sleep?"

Error says as he gently sets down y/n on his favorite seat to go get his morning hot chocolate...."Ya want some hot choco y/n?" I see y/n nod her head as she was just rubbing her eyes a bit..."Hey?....isn't y/n suppose to be in the dungeon or something?" dust ask "Bah! who cares...I mean Nightmare been super busy planning the next mission so I doubt he would want to check anyway....and if he did I could just say I..." I see him stop for a moment as he takes a sip of his hot he was probably thinking about what to say next..."Well...I could just say I was taking care of the human so that they don't die or something... something like that..."

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