Chap. 8 Fixing a Mess

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Your POV:

I was awake now and I didn't know what to do.....I felt like I wanted to leave but then again....if I do where would I even go.....what would I even do....I don't even know where I'm at let alone what outside even looks like...I sigh and look up at the ceiling but I was cut out of my thoughts when I saw the ghost boy Chara "so.....what ya thinking about?" I look up at him "um...just stuff I guess"...I wish I never went on that field trip....I wish I could have stayed home......

I miss my family...I miss my moms cooking and he positive siblings....even my littlest sister...she may have been annoying and didn't listen to me half the time...but that didn't mean I didn't care about her...I miss my dad...sure he wasn't the greatest father figure and never really showed he was a dad....but he made great sacrifices for the whole family by working late night shifts and after hours...just so we can have a nice house and clothing's.....I mean most of my life all he did was go home and play video games but...that didn't mean I didn't live him....and now they were all probably worried about me....*sigh*...

I was cut out of my thoughts again when I heard Chara " hey heyyyyyyyyy! Can ya not see or hear me anymore or what!?" I saw him waning his hand around my face .."s-sorry....I was just in deep thought for a moment heh..." he looks at me and smiles a bit "hey don't worry one's gonna hurt ya here...and if they do...I haunt them for the rest of there life OOoOoOooOoOoOoOo~" I heard

Chara make some funny ghost sounds, that made me laugh a bit...if made me happy to know that someone out there in this place...was a friend to me....I just smiled at him....I could feel the fever I was having start to go away and I felt much better now....except for the fact that I was pretty I took off my jacket to cool down...."it's super hot in here....or..maybe that's me heh..." I looked at Chara and he seemed to be turning red but I ignored it..."hey Chara.....I was wondering think it would be okay if I leave...and look around the castle?" I didn't understand why but I had a feeling that I just wanted to explore and know this place..even if it was filled with a bunch of murderers.....and plus it was a good idea to get a sense around where I was at....I mean I could really protect myself..but with the help with Chara....I think I could be fine...I mean I think he's been here longer than I have... He looks at me for a moment and I could see him place a a hand on his chin.

"Hmmmmmmm I'm not really sure if that's a good idea...since this place is filled with...hehe....a bunch of murderers hehehe...." I could hear him having nervous laughter ....and then I saw him looks surprised "wait wait wait!....but you could leave with my buddy pal Cross!....I think it would be much scared if you were with Cross.....rather than alone." He gave me a smile back and I returned with a smile as well...."but....but what if he says no...or something?" I say feeling a bit awkward, and I saw Chara look suprise and then start laughing "hahahahh please why would he say no!?...and plus If he does I'll make sure to talk him into it." I thought about it for a moment before replying with an "okay."

I then saw Chara look at the door as his face lite up.."aha I have an fact I'll go and find Cross and tell him to be he can't be far...and last time I check he was suppose to be in a hallway somewhere cleaning up a mess he made I guess I'm not sure eh...well bye human see ya in a bit with Cross." He waved at me and I just waved back, and with that he teleported away.

Cross POV:

I was in the hallway cleaning up Killers mess...aughhh!!....I hate that guy he's so annoying and he keeps making messes around the castle and blaming them on others to the boss when it's him who does it!...and boss is to busy to care so he makes us clean it up rather than killer!!...Killer had smashed an antique glass vase onto the carpet that was in the hallway...jeez that guy is something else.....I had a sweeper and a dust pan with me and was sweeping up the remains still pissed off that Killer had made a mess AGAIN....I groan in frustration....that prick....I was abruptly kicked out of my thoughts as I saw Chara and he looked a bit surprised "woah....that guy really did make a HUGE mess here did he..." I saw him tracing his ghost fingers around the ripped painting of a dark rainy sky....then it hit me!!! That was Bosses favorite painting! Shit! I was starting to panic and I saw Chara sense that because he came over to me.."what?...what happen? cut yourself from the broken vase of something?"...that was bosses favorite painting.....and that prick, probably used his knife to slice it up and ruin it! I was anger and horrified at the same time...scared that boss will punish me, and angry at killer for ruining the painting!!

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