Chap. 32 A sad Cross

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Dream's POV:

"Ohhhhh Boy....this is gonna take a while isn't..." I hear Ink say..."I love bunnies...." I hear her murmur quietly....Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!!!...I shouldn't have touched her soft hair or caress her face when she was sleeping!!! "Y/n! please this is important!...we need to stay focus..." I had to admit I kinda liked when she was rubbing her face on my stomach...I felt myself blush a bit....I though she was going to place me down but instead she just holds me gently..."'s just that I love bunnies...and your such a cute one..."

I hear her giggle and I felt my soul melt....her laugh was so pure and cute....and her aura was so intriguing...I shake my Dream! you have to stay focus!..."y/n...may you please set me down...." I feel her gently place me on the table..."Thank know how I can go back to normal...but I will need everyone's help.... especially you y/n...." she nods her head at me, as she went back to her quiet state....I proceeded to jump down from the table..."But first we need to go outside..."

Meanwhile at Nightmares castle

Error POV:

I was just making more dolls for my collection when I remembered something.....I was over hearing Nightmare talking to Cross.....they were talking about how y/n looked angel?...which was pretty weird....I mean overall her AU is very special...but I never knew she wasn't entirely human....strange......But the weird part was how nightmare described y/n...usually when he describes things he doesn't really care to put in lots of detail about it...but when he described was like he was describing a divine being which was really weird.....I was thrown out of my thoughts when I saw a sharp knife that flew past me...."Sorry! my bad!.." I hear Killer say..."See I told ya not to use a slingshot with a knife!" I just roll my eye irritated at them...."Hey idoits! that was the seventh time this week I almost got hit by something!"...Killer just throws his hands up in defense...

"jeez I said I was sorry no need to be a pussy about it...I mean for a destroyer you can really act like a whimp to be honest here...." That was the last straw!!!....I throw strings at Killer as it wraps around him...then I throw high up to the ceiling... as he falls down onto a stack of training dummies...."OUCH!...that hurt ya know!" I just roll my eye lighst at him...."Thats what you get!" After that incident...everyone just went back to training like usual...except for me because I was one of the strongest ones here...I sigh bored out of my mind...hey?....where the hell is Cross?...hmmm...maybe I should go find him....I mean he did say like 20 minutes ago he was going to be back..."Guys I'm going to leave to look for Cross....don't do anything stupid when I'm it..." Fells just scoffs at me..."Yes sir Sargent sir!" Killer says as he salutes me in a military fashion...I just grumble at him and teleport to the library..."

I look around I see he wasn't there....which was strange....I sigh in annoyance...he must be playing video games or something....I teleport to the game room, and he was not there...then I think of the last place to find him would be in his I teleport to the front of his room and knock...."Hey idiot...I know you playing games in you better stop or I'm gonna tell boss to-" As I knock on the door one more time it opens and I see Cross...except he was crying...he just looks at me and walks past me..."Hey!. Why are you crying?....did Boss break your other favorite console?" I follow him as he continues to walk past me sniffling....and I was starting to get frustrated on why he was talking to me... "Hey I'm talking to you!-" He cuts me off.."LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!...." Then he just teleports away somewhere....I sigh as I probably knew where he was in the I teleport to my balcony...

.as I see hear him crying still....he quickly turns his head towards me....and grumbles...."Look...I don't know why your upset...but not talking to someone about won't help your situation..." he scoffs at me..."It's to late anyways....he's gone...." I look at him confused..."Are you talking about....Xchara?" He looks up at me with glum...."Yes...I just know that Reaper took him..." I couldn't help but feel bad for him...losing someone you care about is truly an awful feeling...I walk up to him..."And how do you exactly know if he truly is gone?" I could see more tears form in his eyes...."W-why do you *sniff* care so much?....." I just shrug...."Well why not?..." He looks away from me for a moment..."W-well...I......I can't feel his presence anymore.....even when he floats far away from me....I can still sense his presensce....I.......I!!!....*sniff*....I wish......I could have helped him more!!!....."

After he said that he just fell to the floor and continued sobbing....which frankly I thought was really annoying..."Well sobbing on my balcony isn't going to help you now is it?"....He looks up at me wiping away his tears...."w-w-well it's *sniff* a-already to late....*sniff*..." I did something I though I could never do before...I extend my hand out for him so that he could take it...."Look...even if he is gone....Reaper keeps souls in his soul techniquely you still have a chance...and even if he truly is gone for have the memories of him....and you have a human you still have to fight for..." I feel him take my hand as I flinch ready for the glitches to start.... but they didn't I hoist him up back on his feet and let go of his hand....I looked at him and I saw his eye lights weren't filled with sadness but was replaced with hope and determination....those eyes....I remember my human had those same type of eyes....I sigh relived that he felt better..."

I know what I might have said...sounded cliche...but honestly its the truth...just because I'm the destroyer of universes doesn't mean I have to be mean all the time....I mean it does get boring...." He gives me a smile...."Ya know....I feel a lot better...." He then did something I didn't expect....he gave me a hug...."Thank you Error....your like...a big brother to me..." I hug him back..."Alright, alright...enough of this touchy's honestly really gay pal..." he lets go of me and chuckles...."Hahahah...whatever...I'm sure your gay pal...." I just roll my eye lights at him..."okay idiot..." After that talk we walked all the way back to the training room and he went back to researching about soul traits and stuff..."Hey Error..." I look down at him..."Hmmm?..." He looks at me a bit sad...."Do your really believe that it's possible that I could....oh you know....get Chara and y/n back?...and I mean both of them not just one?....."

I look at him as I had to give his answer some though..."'s definitely possible that we can get the human back...unless the Stars are planning on crucifying her or some shit...but I'm sure that would never happen... as with Chara....." I was cut off by looking at him and he was staring at me with that same determination and hopefulness in his eye...I just grumble a bit..."As for Chara....I'm not so sure....but all we can do is try...okay bud..." He just sighs sadly at me....."Okay....But thank you for giving me your honest opinion..." He smiles at me and I just roll my eye lights...." problem I guess..." After that I went back to making more puppets....but this time...I wanted to make one of y/n...I blush a bit....I really hope we do get her was truly more interesting with her being around....

Hello and I hope you have enjoyed this chapter sorry for not updating there are so many exams and it's super annoying!!!

Also hope you're having a great day/night!^^


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