Chap. 5 Moring

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Sans POV:

I was in my room the usual and it was morning, I stretch and yawn as I was getting out of bed...looking out the window I see there was a snow storm building's probably going to be on the news that we should stay inside and stuff like that *yawn* man I'm really tired and my legs are really sore for some reason......I just can't remember......I get out of bed and head and look for my hoodie?...where'd it go?....I check under my bed and even in my floating pile of laundry I had....hmmm....oh well...I reach in the pile and find another hoodie that was just like it don't matter if it's a bit dirty *i think to myself* I put on my favorite pink slippers and h head out of my room towards the bathroom to brush my teeth...the bathroom was pretty clean probably because papyrus cleaned it heh.....brushing my teeth....I start to think that I was forgetting something?....or maybe someone?....nah! human or other monster fell down here....well at least not yet..I'm really bored...after brushing my teeth I start flossing...then I gargle some mouthwash and spit it out in the sink...I head downstairs......I look towards the couch and......MY HEART STOPS......I stood there eye sockets going empty......there I saw was the could I forget about her!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I'm so dumb!!!! *iI smack my self softly on the forehead* and look at the human.......she's still sleeping....and her jackets gone? was replaced with my jacket!!!!.....I quickly look around and sit down on one of papyrus favorite seats next to her...there was a note that said *Dear Brother I see you have found a human!! Well I think....I did Nyeh!...but still I have found that they are wounded probably from a fall or a fight....but do not worry I the great and mighty Papyrus will find a way to fix the human! I was planning on waking up the human but I feared that if I did I would scare them! So I will return after my patrol and see if they are awake or not to greet them Nyeh heheheheheh.*

Sincerely yours The Great Papyrus!

I could hear my brothers voice as I read it...*sigh* As I picked up the note and stuffed it in my pocket, I saw that the she was finally waking up.....I heard her cute yawns and saw her adorably stretching on the couch

Your POV:

I started to wake up yawing and stretching, man was I still tired.....wait.....I quickly look around this isn't my house!! And then I see....a Skelton!?.....oh yeahhhhhhhhhh!!! I started to relax more forgetting that my friend pushed me down the mountain and now I was here....I look down at the couch and noticed that my jacket was gone and now was replaced with a more fuzzy and cozier jacket...also known as Sanses Jacket, I take the jacket off and see Sans!.. Sans: "uh good morning'd ya sleep?" Y/n: "Um....I slept good thanks for asking." I say with my quiet voice..Sans: "Well I'll be in the kitchen if ya need anything."y/n: "umm okay...." Sans leaves to probably go to the kitchen and you reach to the side of the couch for your took out your brush and start brushing your hair then you but your backpack on all while stimming on the needed some crutches to walk since you had a sprain you woke up the courage to call Sans y/n: "Hey Sans?" *Sans walked out of the Kitchen towards you* "Sans: uh yeah kiddo?" Y:/n: "i uh.....was wondering if you have a walking stick or anything I could use to walk with....because of my Sprain?.." Sans: "uh yeah I could go get ya some crutches from a friend of my mine...." Y/n: "oh okay....well uh take your time then, I don't need them right now but-" before you could finish Sans was gone...he probably did that weird teleporting thing again or something..a few seconds later he was back with some metal crutches*Sans: "sorry were you saying something?" Y/n: "um no...but thank you so much." *your voice was getting quieter* Sans: "alright just let me know if ya need anything else." Y/N: "Oh and Sans...I was wondering could show me to a hotel so I can take a shower?...*Sans raised a bone brow, in confusion* so umm I can get my own place to stay and that I don't have to stay and that I don't have to keep taking up space here heh........*you look away from him as your voice was now a whisper* Sans: "It's okay you can stay we hardly ever get visitors here heh.... " Y/n: "um well I don't want to use up all of your warm water...and stuff like that......yeah...."*you were feeling very awkward* Sans: "pish posh! It's just water kiddo plus....we skeletons can't feel temperature so it's okay." *Sans gave you a genuine smile, and you give a little smile back* y/n: "well okay.....if you say so.....and thank you again for letting me stay." Sans: "heh no problem....and thanks for being my visitor." Y/n: "your welcome." *sans tells you that the bathroom is upstairs to your left, you nod and thank him again, then he leaves to go to the kitchen*

Sans POV:

shut shit shit shit!!!! Was I being to rude!...did I sound like I didn't care!!...ahhhh!!!! Too much to think about...I hope she doesn't think I don't care or something!! That would be awful!!! And I can't believe I forgot she was even here!!Not to mention she feel asleep with my jacket that Papyrus placed on her.....well I mean that's not so my jacket will smell like her heheh....... what am I even thinking!!! *I could feel my face heat up pretty badly*.......not to mention that my brother knows about her....and now I have to introduce the love of my life- I-I mean the my bro.....ugh....that's kinda gonna be a lot of work or maybe it's because I'm'll be back later so no worrying right now.....hmmm I should probably ask the human what they want for breakfast...that's if they want any....I'll take them to muffets yeah!!....that's a good idea!! *Sans smile at the thought of taking you to muffets and thinking it's kind of a date*

Y/n POV:

I found used my crutches to get up the stairs, it was kinda hard and scary...because I didn't want to fall down...but I made it up safely....I went to my left like Sans said and found the bathroom, I go inside and it was nice and clean...everything was nice....I went through my bag and found some underwear, new fresh clothing, face soap, some lotion, a toothbrush/toothpaste, towel, my phone!!! I quickly took my phone out andddddddd there was no service -_- just great you thought.....well better put that back don't want it to get water on it....I place it back into. The big bag...then I proceed to place my bag away from the bathtub and to the side of the sink, and I turn the shower handle to get it to be warm.....once it was warm I took my clothes oof and turned the shower head on and started washing my hair with some of my hair soap I brought *you prepared just in case the hotel you were going to didn't have any hair wash or the hair wash wasn't good lol* after the shower I turned off the water, grabbed my towel and started drying my hair, combing it, putting on my clothes, and lastly brushing my teeth, you yawned again...and opened the door to let some of the warm steam that's as in the bathroom to leave... you put on your backpack, and both of your crutches and start heading felt clean, relaxed, and happy...after going downstairs you see Sans sitting on the couch watching the news, there was a bunny guy who said that there was going to be no snow storm since the weather was going down and the snow was calming Down a lot. It made you happy...You decided to go sit next to Sans taking off you backpack and setting down your crutches...Sans looked towards you and turned a bit blue? still didn't understand why or even how he could do that but eh....things sorta just happen I guess.... Y/n: "hey Sans umm....thank you for letting me use your bathroom" Sans: "eh no problem...."*you decided to take out your phone and start playing a game that needed no Wi-Fi...after that...

Sans POV

okay okay okay!!!.....just play it cool's just a human.......a human who smells nice.....has beautiful calm so quiet and kind..........*Sans started daydreaming, but he shook his head after that* no no no!! What am I thinking this is just some human.....nothing special about her! Well.... I should probably ask her if she wants any breakfast.....Sans: "uh hey......y/n" *you look at Sans, and Sans starts sweating while turning even more blue* want anything for breakfast cause I know a great place who sells good breakfast items?" Y/n: "um....sure but I'll pay for mine..." *Sans eyes light up in surprise * Sans:" wait wait wait you don't have to do that plus it's my idea so I'll be the one doing the paying heh." Y/n: " okay.." *you say quietly* Sans: "you wanna go now?" Y/n: "uh....okay"

Both of you go to Muffets

OMG that was a long chapter sorry if this book is boring :") have a nice day/night.


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