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your pov:

I can't be chief, everyone always relies on me for everything and their excuse is 'you'll have to do it as chief, better get used to it'. My life is so boring, I do the same thing almost everyday, sometimes I find myself at the shore waiting for the tulkun to arrive home even though, I know for a fact it will not be soon. I am the chiefs daughter, I have high expectations to live up too and I don't know if I can fulfill it.

I just had my 5th ceremony, getting closer to becoming chief of metkayina. The next ceremony, I have to pick a mate.

I am not even looking to find a mate, no metkayina boys really stand out to me. Even if I don't want to find a mate, by the time the ceremony comes i'll most likely be promised to some random metkayina boy that lives up to my fathers expectations.

I mean it can't be that bad right? We can just be mutual, we don't need any romance right?

Once I exit from my thoughts I realize. It was just another day in Awa'atlu. My sister, Tsireya and I decided that we should make bracelets today on the shore.

We got to work and started to make different kinds of patterns with different types of coloured beads or other materials.

Suddenly we see 4 shadows cross over us in the sky.

I realize what those things were, Ikran's. "What are Ikran's doing here?" I quiestion as Tsireya let's out a giggle.

She grabs my hand and tries to push me toward the mysterious people. "We aren't expecting visitors are we?" I quiestion again as my eyes wander to forest people.

My father, Tonowari comes out of the water as Tsireya and I get closer pushing through other Na'vi.

We were now facing them in the front. My brother Aonung and his best friend Rotxo start to tease the 2 younger boys there.

"What is that? Is that supposed to be a tail?" Rotxo says as my brother laughs with him "It's to small, how are they supposed to swim?" Rotxo speaks again as I push him a bit "Do not Rotxo! Aonung!" I say to them as they shut up right away. I look at the forest people and smile at a girl who looks a bit younger than me.

(I don't feel like writing the whole thing yk?)

"I will show you our village" I smile at them as they follow me through the Maruis.

"Here is your new home!" I say smiling as I leave them to settle in.

I realize that there is 2 boys around the same age and 2 girls, once looks about 14 and the other looks very young, but there is an older man Toruk Makto, also known as Jake sully. He has a tall build and it seems to me that there is no mother.. I wonder what happened.

As I wander off to the shore I am met by the presence of my younger sister Tsireya. "What are you doing all alone out here?" She questions me "Just taking a break from this whole chief in training stuff you know?" I say smiling as she sits down beside me. "I don't know what it's like but i'm sure it's hard" She replies back laughing a bit. "Yeah, no kidding" I say looking into the water.

"How are you, really?" She asks looking at me longing for an answer. "I'm alright, these forest people will sure make me look good if I help them become one of us." I say looking at her.

"You know I seen the dad giving you a couple looks"

She says giggling, "Oh great mother gross, He's probably like 40" I say making a disgusted face.

"You have always liked older men, i've noticed that about you." She says looking at me in my eyes. "That was one time!" I say clearly embarrassed. "I'm never telling you anything anymore!" I say laughing with her.

After a couple seconds the laughing dies down, and she speaks again "Have you chosen your mate?" She asks looking into the horizon.

I deeply sigh at the words she just said "Not yet, I don't find any metkayina boys attractive, they don't stick out to me" I say flipping my hair off my shoulder.

"You'll find someone I promise, maybe even one of the sully boys" She says smiling ear to ear "Yeah right" I say nudging her a bit.

"Don't act like I didn't see you and that young boy glancing and smiling at each other" I say turning the embarrassment to her "Shut up!" She says getting all red "He is pretty cute" She says finally admitting "Awe that would be so cute" I say smiling now.

After our conversation is done it's time for us to finally eat. All the metkayina and forest family gather along our communal ground to eat the hunted fish from today, we also eat plants and things like that.

The forest family sits beside me and Tsireya. I speak first to clear the awkwardness roaming around

"Are you guys excited to start our lessons tomorrow?" I say smiling at all of them

"Depends if we are good or not" Jake speaks laughing a bit which I join into.

We all talk for a while, mostly comparing our clans.

It was after dinner and I decided to take a walk on the beach. As i'm walking I hear someone calling my name and running towards me. "Mauve!" I hear Jake say as he gets closer to me.

"Hey Jake!" I say smiling "Mind if I walk with you?" He says smiling warmly.

"Of course!" I say continuing to walk down the beach. "Thank you for taking my family in, we really appreciate it." He says to me

"Yes of course, I don't know but I had a feeling about you and your family, almost like you are meant to be here.."

"Oh really?" he says smirking at me then looking back to the sea.

"It looks like there isn't a woman with you? what happened?" I say questioning him. He sighs roughly.

I regret what I said, "I'm sorry, you don't have to speak about it.." I say as he returns to me with a warm smile.

"No that's alright.. Her name was Neytiri, we fell in love when I became Na'vi.. I expect you already know about my story." He says to me

"Yea of course, you came from the sky people right?" I say questioning myself.

"Yes, anyways we were fighting in a war against the sky people and she was killed at one of our missions." He says looking down.

"Oh, Jake i'm so sorry to hear that." I say resting my hand on his shoulder.

Jake puts his hand over mine, "Thank you Mauve" He says to me

"This walk was wonderful, i'm happy we got to talk." He says as butterfly's fill my stomach when he rests his hand on my face gently before leaving me there on the beach.

What just happened.

1244 words
A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter! What should happen in the next?

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