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I woke up, my head was pounding. I immediately try to get up too see where I am, I am stopped by someone, my mother.

"maite!(my daughter), are you alright? how are you feeling?" Is all she says while caressing my face.

"Mother I am fine, where is Jake?" I say looking around. "You should not be thinking about that forest man, think about yourself" She says holding my hands.

After resting some more, my mother finally let me out of my marui pod. Firstly I try to find Jake, I got to his Marui and find Neteyam and Kiri.

"Have you guys seen your dad at all?" I say to them. "Yeah he is with your dad in another marui." Neteyam says to me as I leave and go to find them.

As I find them together talking, my father doesn't look to happy. "Sit." is all he says to me.

I sit down right away, "Mauve, what were you thinking! bringing Jake beyond the reef where he doesn't know how to fend for himself!" He yells at me.

I keep my head held low, I didn't want anyone to see me cry, I hate showing my weakness.

"You disappoint me daughter." My father says before exiting the Marui we were all in.

I couldn't hold it in, I just bursted out crying. I even forgot Jake was there.

He brought me in his grasp. "Shh it's alright" He says stroking my hair.

I look up at him with teary eyes.

"He never understands me, he just tells me all the time that I have things to do to become the chief that the clan relies on... That's all he cares about, he hates me.."

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you Mauve.." Jake replies to my vent.

"You don't know him." I say coldly, I was starting to think maybe Jake didn't even understand.

"I think maybe all you have to do is talk to him." Jake says to me.

I break away from him and stand up. "How could you say that! You don't know how my father is.. He- he doesn't care! All he cares about is me being the future chief, I thought out of all people you would understand!" I say to him as I storm out of the marui and call to my ilu.

She comes to me and I jump to her right away. I just swim, that's all i've ever been known to do.. Just swim.

After swimming for a while I come up the surface and just float there.

Suddenly I just start crying, i'm crying out all the stress that's been lurking on my shoulders.

Becoming Chief.

Being an older sister.

Being a disappointment to my father.


I just cried and cried, my ilu felt my sadness and was moaning a bit in the water.

I swam until we reached some rocks. I get off my ilu and just flop down on the rock, it wasn't too comfy but I didn't care I just looked at the sky.

"Why me? Why did I have to be chosen to become Chief?" I say to the sky as if i'm talking to someone.

I was still crying but it got quieter. Soon enough eclipse rolled onto the sky and the stars were visible.

I was stress free whenever I looked at the sky, it's like they sucked up all my worries.

What I didn't realize was I was dozing off into sleep, Father is going to kill me. is all I thought before I fell asleep before the stars.

When I awoke, I was splashed in the face with some water from the current.

I realize it's now the next day, oh shit what will father think?

I call out to my ilu, she arrives in the moment and I hop onto her.

She swims back as fast as she could, once I reached the reef I could hear people calling out to me.

"Mauve! Mauve!!" I hear some villagers say. I approach the village in shame.

As I walk up the nets I am stopped by my father, soon enough the clan circles around us.

"Mauve? Have you gone mad?! What do you think you were doing staying out past eclipse! You are supposed to be Chief soon! How am I supposed to rely on someone who can't even show up to dinner!" He yells.

I keep my head hung low. "Look at me when I am talking to you!" He yells once again. My head whips up to show my teary face.

Just when I thought I got rid of all my stress, here it comes again.

"Can I go now?" Is all I say before my father nods his head. I quickly walk to my marui.

Once I get there I put my head in my hands, How could he treat me like this? His own daughter?!

I hear ruffling which immediately makes me wipe my tears away.

"Mauve.." I hear my mother say as she sits beside me and rubs my back.

"My beautiful girl." Is all she says before I hug her tightly. She keeps me in her grasp, stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry, Im sorry I'm not reliable enough to be a good Chief.." I say between cries.

"Oh Mauve, You will be a great chief." She says to me letting me out of her grasp.

"You can stay in here for a bit until you are ready, we will all be waiting for you."

She walks out of my room and leaves me there to rest.

I didn't know what else to do but sleep, I feel as if sleeping take my worries away.

My mother is always supportive with every decision I make. But my father is strict and won't let anything slide unless he has confirmed it. He is a good chief but not so good of a dad.

I have always thought to myself, Why am I attracted to older men? Why am I feeling something for Jake? He is 23 years older than me. But then I realized.

Daddy issues.

1023 words

daddy issues ~ jake sullyWhere stories live. Discover now