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I woke up from a very comfortable sleep to be greeted by Jakes face, which made me jump a bit.

shit I woke him up.

"Morning.." He says in a husky voice rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Morning sunshine" I say moving a strand of hair out of his face.

"Oh Jake please let me take those dreads out, or at least style them better" I say laughing as he gives me a fake offended look.

"I actually like them" He says smiling with pride as I side eye him a bit which makes me burst out laughing. 

There was a slight pause, until I realized where we have slept... Oh no not again.

I sit up right away Jake looking at me with a worried expression.. Until he realized also.

"Jake.." I say looking at him. His eyes immediately widen.

"Shit!" He says grabbing my hand and making a run for it to the village.

"Jake what will we tell my parents!" I say stopping him.

"Don't worry I will cover for you" He says letting go of my hand to not look suspicious.

"Mauve Te Kenawa Li'Oa'Ite! Where have you been! And Jakesully where have you been!" My father says yelling at the both of us.

"Tonowari, Your daughter was being the future chief that she is and she was showing me some of the stuff in your village I didn't know about, we got carried away and ended up falling asleep near the shore.." Jake says convincing my father.

"Thank you Mauve for being a good future chief, I can rely on you." He says dismissing us from the conversation.

I walked through the village leaving Jake behind to not look suspicious.

"Mauve!" I hear my sister say as she brings me aside.

"Yes Tsireya?" I say confused why she pulled me aside.

"Your Ceremony is tomorrow.. What will you tell mother and father?!" She says in a worried tone.

"Oh shit! I-I didn't think of that.." I say getting stressed.

"You must tell them now.. They will be more mad if you wait until the ceremony.." She says with her big eyes.

"You're right! I must tell Jake." I say hugging her and exiting her grasp to find Jake.

Jake was now in his marui alone.

"Jake.." I say standing in the doorway.

"Hello." He says to me as I sit beside him on the carpets.

"Jake we must tell my parents, i'm being arranged to be mated tomorrow." I say looking down.

"Why must we tell them if you're mating with another man?" He says confused.

I look up at him with pleading eyes.

"Jake.." I say quietly as he looks at me realizing what i'm saying.

Jake just hugs me right away.

"Of course I will mate with you Mauve"

He says nuzzling his face into my neck.

I just heavily sigh the stress away, i'm finally happy again.

"Let's go tell your parents my love" He says deeply kissing me before picking me up making me yelp in surprise.

He just laughs with me as he puts me down leading me out of his marui.

time skip.

I have thought of what to say to them, I think i'm ready.

I walk up to my mother and father.

"Father, Mother I need to speak with you." I say my voice breaking a bit.

I was terrified on what they would say.

"Of course Ma'Ite, what is it?" My mother says smiling.

"I have found a mate." I say looking down at the floor.

Jake is standing beside me and so is Tsireya.

"That's amazing daughter! Now you will become chief!" My father says coming up to me to hug me, but I stop him.

"Father..." I say taking a slight pause.

I grab Jakes arm and bring him to me holding him tight.

"I have found my mate.."

668 words
a/n: Sorry I left on a cliffhanger but oh my god I can't wait for this to unfold!
thanks for reading!💋

daddy issues ~ jake sullyWhere stories live. Discover now