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It's been a couple weeks, Jake and I have been.. I guess fooling around in secret.

When we are in a large group Jake would tease me by whispering things to me in front of all the people. 

I always bring Jake to my secret spots where nobody would find us, it was so fun.

My ceremony was coming up for me to pick my mate, how do I tell my father that i've fallen for a forest man.

I guess he will find out one way or another..

present day

I was walking alone in the village holding a basket of newly woven accessories.

Suddenly I am pulled into a random marui.

"Hey it's just me" Jake says holding onto my waist as I was about to punch him.

"Great mother, Jake! You can't scare me like that!" I say slapping his arm.

He just chuckles which makes me immediately smile.

"I've missed you" He says looking down at me as I'm now pinned against one of the walls.

"I saw you yesterday, skxawng" I say giggling as he leans in a bit trying to connect our lips.

"Jake, what if someone sees us? Who's marui is this?!" I say putting my hand on his lips.

"Mauve, it's fine besides it's my marui." He says muffled between my finger.

I look around and realize it is in fact his marui.

"oh.." Is all I say as i'm cut off by him smashing hip lips onto mine.

"Jake.." I say in between the heavy breaths that are escaping from my mouth.

"What is it baby girl" He says in between kisses, still kissing my lips

"We can't do this here.. I need to go to my mother to give her the accessories I was holding.." I say gently stroking his hair with me hands.

He disconnects from my body just admiring me.

"you are beautiful."

Once he says that my heart immediately shoots out of my head.

I connect our lips once more "We will continue this later." I say before leaving him in his marui to find my mother.

time skip.

I finally find my mother who is sitting on her own in her marui pod.

It looked like she was crying..

" Ma sa'nok, what is wrong?" I say putting my hand on her back.

"Ma'ite, it is nothing.. do not worry." She says wiping her tears and smiling.

I've always given my mother space, whenever she needed, so I didn't push this one.

"Alright, I'm here if you need me" I say getting up and heading out to the water to ride my ilu.

time skip

it is near wutso, everyone is heading to their marui but instead I head to Jake's marui.

I walk in and see the Sully family walking around.

daddy issues ~ jake sullyWhere stories live. Discover now