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That night I couldn't stop thinking about Jake and how he made me feel, I didn't even understand what I was feeling.

Jake is 23 years older than me, I'm 20 and he is 43...

Even if I did feel something for him, I'd never be able to be with him

He is from the forest, i'm from the reef.

i'm awoken by the sounds of the horns blowing, I run out of my marui pod and see Tsireya swimming with her ilu.

"Our brothers and sisters have returned!" She says waving for everyone to come out.

I rush to my ilu and get in the water, i've been waiting far to long to see my spirit sister.

As i'm swimming with my ilu, I see Jake sitting on the back of my fathers ilu, he smiled at me before my father took him away.

God why does he have to be so beautiful.

I found my spirit sister. She was amazing, we were so close. She was the composer of songs, we always sing together.

I went up to her and greeted her with a big grin.

"What's with the grin?" She asks me confused. "I met a man" I sign to her, "Who is this man? is he metkayina?" She says questioning me. "Well... He is a forest man.." I sighs to her as she moans back to me.

"When you say man, what do you mean? Is he older than you?" She says to me. "Well, he may be 23 years older than me.."

I sign as her eyes widen, "Mauve, you be careful" She says to me before swimming away with her mate

I always loved talking to her, she really connected with me. We always gossip together too. She knew how to talk to me in a way that nobody could..

But Jake is slowly getting too me, I can stop thinking about him.


It is the next day and today is also the day we teach the Sully's how to swim with us.

Tsireya had already lead the family out too try to help them to breath better underwater.

I walk out to see an empty spot next to Jake, my heart pounds as I feel him next to me when I sit down.

"Just Breathe" Tsireya says to them.

I look over to Jake and see he is having trouble. "Breath from down here.." I say putting my hands on his lower stomach.

I feel him breath once more and when I do this I feel his heart pounding against my hands.

"Jake your heartbeat is fast, try to focus.." I say to him looking in his eyes "Sorry" Is all he says before he tries to refocus himself.

After everyone has almost mastered the breathing technique, it is time to teach them to swim on the ilu's.

Neteyam went with Aonung, Lo'ak went with Tsireya, Rotxo was with Kiri and Tuk, and I was stuck with Jake, great.

"First you must connect to bond, feel his breath, feel his heartbeat." I say to him as he closes his eyes in satisfaction.

He ties his hands to the Ilu very tightly, I was almost impressed by his strength, but nothing can distract me right now.

I nudge the ilu to ride and right when Jake gets in the water his hand unties and he is pulled back by the current.

I just laugh hysterically at his actions before he comes back to me.

"oh be quiet, it's my first time" He says laughing. I shut up right away as he looks at me confused.

I motion my hands to look like I sealed my lips closed. He just laughed before getting back on his ilu.

This time he actually did pretty good, still fell off but he had good balance.

"You did amazing for your first time" I say smiling at him as he trails back to me.

"Well thank you kid" He says to me. Kid? did he just call me kid?!

"Kid?" I say right away in a confused tone, "I am not a kid!" I say back in defense.

"Alright, alright" Is all he says laughing.

"Want to go for a swim?" I say to him smiling hoping for a good answer.

"Yeah, i'd love too!" He says back to me before getting on my ilu behind me.

Luckily everyone else was to occupied on their own learning that they didn't see us.

"hold onto me" I say to him before taking off on the ilu.

Once we get back up to the surface he rests his head on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I say confused at his gesture "Just resting my head." He says smiling "Hm" I say before going back underwater to hide the fact that I was blushing a little.

Once we were underwater he had us arms wrapped around my stomach, I got butterfly's.

I looked at him underwater with my eyes glistening. Not realizing that we have went beyond the reef.

My heart was beating like crazy which made the ilu go faster, which eventually made both of us fall off.

When I fell off I hit my head on something, I was knocked out unconscious.

"Mauve!?" I all I hear before darkness takes over me.

906 words
A/N: Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than last time, Im gonna put more in the next.

daddy issues ~ jake sullyWhere stories live. Discover now