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I wake up snuggled in Jakes arms.

I look up at him to see him sleeping peacefully, he is so handsome.

I start slowly kissing his neck to wake him up but he groans in response pulling me closer.

"Jake" I say extending the 'e' in his name.

"What" He says his eyes still closed.

"We must go, I have my ceremony" I say as his eyes open wide realizing it is the day.

"Finally" He says kissing my lips before we get up together.

"Jake, where are the kids." I say sternly not wanting to walk out of their fathers room.

"Don't worry they aren't here" He says putting his hands on my waist and kissing my cheek before walking into the main part of the marui.

"Jake what will happen?" I say getting a bit nervous thinking about my parents.

"They will understand, there is no way they are letting Aonung be chief over you, he is to immature." He says gathering some things to wear.

I just smile before he speaks again, "Can you help me put this on?" He says asking me to help put on his warriors belt.

"Of course" I say coming up fairly close to him and attaching the belt to his waist.

"I see you" He says looking down at me.

"I see you" I say back kissing his lips.

time skip

Jake and I walk out of his marui wearing nice accessories.

Jakes hand is in mine and my hand is more latched on to his.

We walk to find my parents sitting outside their marui.

Once my mother sees me she runs up to my embracing me in a tight hug.

"Oh Ma'Ite, I'm so sorry" She says almost crying.

I don't say anything, I just stand there confused on what is happening.

"Oh Mauve, we are deeply sorry." My mother says to me almost crying.

I couldn't even speak, I just looked at my father.

"Ma'Ite..." My father says looking down at the floor.

I look up at him hoping for the father figure i've always dreamed off.

"I-I'm sorry.." He says, the words struggling to escape his mouth.

"Do you mean it?" I say looking at him trying to not show the kindness in my heart.

"Yes, yes my daughter i'm sorry" He says, there was a slight pause before I ran up to him and hugged him deeply.

He hugged me back.

My father finally hugged me back, he showed me he loved me.

"We aren't very fond of the idea but we will accept your choices Ma'Ite." My mother says standing by my fathers side holding his shoulder.

I nod in response as a smile grows on my face.

"Now go get ready for your ceremony." My father says grinning as I smile back and exit.

I look back to see Jake shaking my fathers hand and him saying "I see you" To my mother.

I was so happy that my parents were all right with Jake and I, I mean I love him.

time skip
Jake and I have told the kids everything and they were very surprised but they were happy that their dad was happy and that's all that mattered to them.

It is time for me to get ready for my ceremony, I was so nervous to mate with Jake, what if it didn't go as planned?

I got on my best accessories and I let my hair fall with some nice flowers.

I walk out of my marui to see my mother waiting for me.

She is wearing a gown she hand made.

She just smiled at me to calm my nerves as I walked with her to the main area for the ceremonies to be held.

This was my time.

When I walk for everyone to see me, everyone gasps at how I look.

Jake is standing there waiting for me to walk up with him.

Once I meet him he is smiling ear to ear.

He whispers in my ear quietly "You are so beautiful" which makes me blush.

We walk up with linked arms, I was so happy inside.

We walk up to me greeted by one of the oldest Na'vi in our village, she does all my ceremonies.

"I see you Matxo" I say to her making the gesture, so does Jake.

We kneel down to be blessed by Eywa.

I look down thinking of what my life will be like with Jake.

One we finish the first part Matxo speaks, "We will leave Mauve and Jakesully to mate privately.

One everyone leaves Jake and I go into a cave area covered in flowers and shells.

Jake and I haven't spoken but we didn't need too.

Jake closes the shutter that connects us to outside.

Instead of doing anything he grabs my and kisses me deeply.

"You don't understand how long I waited to do that." He says chuckling.

"Jake.." I say putting my hand on his cheek.

"I love you." I say to him as his smile grows into another kiss.

"I love you, Mauve" He says to me. leading me into another kiss.

891 words

a/n: Thank you so much for reading guys, I really appreciate it <3. I'll write the mating in the next chapter along with some more smut ;)
thanks for reading 💋

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