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"WHAT?!?" She yells which catches a couple Na'vi people's attention.

"Tsireya! Shut up!" I say smacking her, she immediately stops.

"I thought maybe you would be with Neteyam, But Jakesully?!" She says flabbergasted.

"I know, I know" I say taking a slight pause. "It kind of just happened..." I say smiling while looking at the sky.

"Well sister, we must tell father!" She says grabbing my arms.

"We mustn't! He would skin me alive!" I say bringing her back down to my level.

"You may not tell anyone we had this conversation, you do not know anything!" I say in a stern tone so she sees I am very much not joking around.

"I understand, you have my word sister." She says walking away while smiling.

I just take a heavy sigh before I go to my marui.

Once I walk in I am greeted by my Mother, she was cooking.

"Well hello Ma'Ite, how are you feeling?" She says touching the sore spot on my head.

Everyone just loves to touch my head today I guess.

"It better than before." I say putting a fake smile on my face.

"Here take some of this yanibark it will help with the scratches and cuts" My mother says to me handing me the freshly made medicine.
(Idk how to spell the medicine don't come at me lmao)

I thank my mother and head out of the pod.

I realize that I haven't been swimming with my ilu for a while, she probably misses me.

I go out to the shallow waters feeling the cold beads of water hit my pale blue skin.

This is amazing.

I finally call to my ilu who comes by my side and cuddles into my leg.

I attach out bonds and head out into the reef.

time skip.

Once I get back it is just about eclipse.

Mother and Father understood where I was so they weren't worried.

I decided to go find Kiri and have some time with her.

I got to her marui pod and im greeted by the one and only...


"Oh hello, is Kiri here?" I say not being able to contain my smile.

"Yeah she is in her pod" He says smirking and checking me out also.

I was wearing one of my best outfits that I made with Tsireya a couple weeks ago.

Before I could go into her pod I am stopped by Jakes husky voice.

"I like your outfit, its nice" He says grinning, knowing exactly what he is doing.

I turn over to face him with a confused but thankful look.

"Well thank you, sir." I say smiling knowing that he hates being called sir.

I walk into Kiri's pod and find her sitting there just looking at the sky.

"Hey Kiri!" I say sitting beside her.

She just looks away, what could be wrong?

"What is wrong?" I say skeptical of her sudden behavior.

"Nothing, i'm fine.." She says still looking out into the distance.

"Kiri.." I say almost demanding hee to tell me.

"Why am I different.." She says making eye contact with me, with her glossy eyes.

"Oh Kiri.." I say putting my arm around her which she suddenly burst into tears in my arms.

"Was it Aonung?" I say comforting her.

She just nods and I hold her tighter but gently.

time skip

I walk out of Kiri's pod and i'm once again greeted by Jake reloading one of his firearms.

"Oh hey" He says putting his gun down.

"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt" I say chuckling a little as he returns a smile.

"Don't worry love" He says to me which makes me jolt back in confusion.

"Love?" I say questioning him.

It made me feel good inside, I loved hearing that come from his mouth, honestly.

"Sorry.." He says looking down in regret.

"No, no don't worry.." I say coming a little closer to him then before.

He just smiles and looks up at me, hesitantly looking down at my lips.

I blush

"You okay? you're looking a little flustered.." He says touching my cheek with the outside of his palm.

I blush even more.

"Do I make you nervous?" He says getting closer than before.

And just like that, I couldn't speak.

The words have been taken out of my mouth. again

He doesn't even ask this time, he just simply kisses me.

I didn't mind though, it was amazing.

I kissed him back, passion filling in between us, his lips moving with mine as if they were pieces of a puzzle finally connecting.

He was my new home.

Great mother why did this have to happen to me! Why couldn't I just call in love with a Metkayina boy..

Wait love? was that really it?

He disconnected our lips.

"You know I hate being called sir." He says chuckling.

816 words

daddy issues ~ jake sullyWhere stories live. Discover now