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Savannah arched an eyebrow as the man who had collided with her hurled an insult in her direction. The fault, it seemed, lay solely with him. And it was he who succumbed to anger.

"The method you employ has become quite familiar to me. I am certain that our paths will cross, only to lead to a dull and uneventful exchange," the man scoffed at her.

Savannah's head throbbed with a searing heat, and her ears reverberated with a deafening ring. She released her grip and took a deep breath, reminding herself that the surrounding revelers were enjoying themselves. However, the man in question showed no signs of abating.

"Sl*ts are sl*ts no matter what." The man shook his head disapprovingly and emitted a soft tsk sound. Savannah found herself unable to resist.

She approached the man with a graceful stride, her veil fluttering in the breeze. With a delicate touch, she draped the fabric over his face, obscuring his features from view. She had reached a point where the number of people who laid eyes on them no longer held any significance to her. Savannah had reached a point where her appearance and level of education were of little concern to her. He had managed to infuriate her. With a swift motion, she drove her knee straight into the man's groin.

"Jerk! The occurrence was entirely unintentional! Refrain from hurling insults in my direction in the presence of others," she said sternly. "It was you who collided with me. Just so you know, even if you're the last man on the cruise ship, I shall never attempt to seduce you!" With a swift motion, Savannah's hand connected with his cheek in a resounding punch. The man let out a guttural groan as waves of pain coursed through his body, threatening to pull him into an abyss of unconsciousness. All because of the woman's actions.

"I refuse to be labeled as promiscuous by you, you despicable individual!" She gazed at him with a critical eye, taking in every feature of his face. "You are not even handsome," she remarked coolly. "Why would I engage in an activity that would lower my standards to those of a person of lesser character, such as yourself?" Savannah seethed with anger as she delivered a forceful blow to the man's jaw.

On rare occasions, she dons a gown, yet there always seems to be an objection. The course of her day had been irrevocably altered, leaving her in a state of ruin.

She had come with the intention of having a pleasant evening of socializing, but sadly, the presence of someone who was nothing short of an offensive and unpleasant person thwarted her plans. The man was completely astounded by the woman's display of strength as he stood there. He couldn't believe that someone of her size could deliver such a powerful punch.

His senses were overwhelmed with shock, rendering him speechless. The woman standing before him was familiar, yet he could not place her. His jaw and manhood throbbed with pain, a physical manifestation of his confusion and disorientation.

With a toss of her hair, Savannah fixed a steely glare on the man before her. With a fierce glare, she extended her middle finger in a vulgar gesture before delivering another forceful blow to the man's leg.

"May you find yourself in the fiery depths of hell, you imbecilic fool!" she spat, her voice dripping with venom. Savannah seethed with anger. Should she continue to loiter in their midst, she may very well administer a sound thrashing to the gentleman in question.

"You should check your f*cking eyes the next time this happens; maybe there's something wrong and you can't see everyone who comes up to you. Furthermore, your appearance does not quite meet the standards of being approachable."

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