The Disappearance Of Hatsune Miku

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No POV, Tenma house:
Tsukasa sighed loudly and noticed just how much his body hurt, and he fell to the floor. Saki ran downstairs, a smile on her face now that her brother was home. "Tsu Tsu! How'd it go-" she stopped dead as she saw Tsukasa leaning heavily onto the wall, his clothes covered with blood. "O-OH MY GOSH TSUKASA!" Saki screeched. Tsukasa seemed to not hear anything, as if he was zoning out. Saki ran upstairs,across the hallway and into the bathroom. There she got multiple bandaids and bandages. Saki quickly went downstairs again to find Tsukasa in the same place as before. "...u-ugh..." Tsukasa said, making other painful noises as she wrapped a large and uncomfortable bandage around the lower part of his torso, where there was a huge cut. A bandaid was placed on his forehead. Saki sighed and stared at her brother for a long time. Tsukasa kept wincing whenever he tried to get up, and felt too bad to look at her sister.

Tsukasa POV:
"/I hurt so bad..oh my gosh, my hand../" Tsukasa thought, desperately trying to get control of his body. He couldn't really breath comfortably, and it was hard and painful just doing that. Saki was right infront of him, staring pitifully at his clothes and face. Finally, Saki got up and held her hand out. Tsukasa struggled to take it, and silently screamed when he was pulled up. He was leaning on the wall hard, now standing. "What the FUCK happened to you?!" Saki asked. Tsukasa sighed, trying to speak but finding that his throat was knotted. Saki nodded at him, saving his breath a little, and tried to think of a way to get him up the stairs. "erghh.. I can't carry you, your too heavy.." Saki whispered. "/Ow. I do need to check my weight if saki can't carry me. I'm only a year older than her./" Tsukasa thought. Saki sighed loudly and said he would have to climb up the stairs himself. Tsukasa nodded, yet he didn't think he would make it all the way up when he had so much trouble standing. Tsukasa kicked himself off the wall, and took a painful step. He clenched his fists and dug his nails into his palm to distract him from the ever growing pain. The stairs were only a couple feet away. He could make it. Saki ran up and put her hands on his back in a attempt to support him. Tsukasa took another step, his nails digging deeper as he was closer to the stairs. Tsukasa took another, and another, the pain getting worse to the point where blood started to form into his palm where his nails were. Saki didn't notice as she was busy supporting her brother. Tsukasa finally made it to the stairs, and that's when saki looked at his bloody fists. "Wow- Tsukasa- calm down!" Saki said nervously. "/oh hands are bleeding.../" Tsukasa thought, opening his hands. There were nail marks all over his palm, and some of them cut through his skin. He shook his hands, his wrist in a unnatural way. He grabbed onto the staircase and started up the first step. His torso hurt the most when his leg was raised, and he fell to the floor. "SHIT!" Tsukasa cried out, holding his waist. Saki put her hand on her mouth. "Someone's gonna have to help me..." Saki said, and she called her friend Ichika. "Hey Ichika,..I kinda need help with something." Saki said. She then started to explain the situation. The room was quiet for a minute, then Ichika said something. "I'm right outside your house." She said,hanging up. Saki went to open the door, and the whole Leo/Need gang ran into the house like superhero's in a action movie, along with Toya and Akito. "I don't understand why we had to come-" Akito said. Honami spotted Tsukasa clenching his bleeding fist on the ground, looking insane. "OH MY GOSH, TSUKASA!" Honami screeched, and everyone followed him. Tsukasa started to cry as everyone crowded him. Toya was the closest to Tsukasa, looking extremely worried as he hugged him. "What the heck happened?!" Shiho asked. She unfolded his strong fist, and blood gushed out. Akito groaned as it got on his clothes. "If it hurts this bad, we're going to have to bring him to the hospital." Toya said. Everyone nodded and helped carry him to Toya's car (every character above 15 has a car, except Emu, Airi, Shiho and Saki) Tsukasa was placed on the back row. Saki sat with Tsukasa in the back, and the rest of Leo/Need sat in the middle. Akito and Toya sat in the front. The car took off, and in a matter of 4 minutes they were at Maple Leaf Hospital. Everyone was thrown out of the car, and Toya looking for a place to park with Tsukasa still in the back. "Hey, dude, you look wrecked.." Toya said as he helped Tsukasa out of the car. They both walked together to the entrance slowly, Toya constantly waiting for Tsukasa to catch up. They looked like brothers as they entered the hospital, and people stared at them. Tsukasa had his head down as Toya practically carried him to the counter where the doctors were.Toya talked with a Nurse. Soon enough Tsukasa was rushed into a room. "/oh fuck, that HURTS./" Tsukasa though as a doctor put a hand on his torso. He whimpered loudly as they examined him. Blood was already soaked into the bandages, and Tsukasa gasped as the doctor started to peel off the bandage. "GET AWAY! GET AWAY!" Tsukasa screamed, weakly pushing the doctor away. The doctor fell to the floor and looked at Tsukasa as he started to choke on tears, the pain ebbing into him again. The doctor took out a walki talki. "Room 284, code grey."The doctor said, getting up and quickly putting the bandage back. Before Tsukasa knew what was going on, a bunch of doctors rushed in and carried him away.

Word Count: 1007

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