Two-Faced Lovers

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Tsukasa POV, Kamiyama Highschool:
Tsukasa gasped, awake. His head was aching, and he was inside a bathroom stall. His stomach and face hurt bad as he stumbled to his feet, opening the stall door.
Tsukasa remembered everything when he saw the wet footprints on the floor. Why would someone do that? The rumors..the pain...the students was too much for him. He walked over to the bathroom door and tried to open it.


Tsukasa tried again and again, starting to panic. He then started to bang loudly on the door. "HEY-DONT CLOSE THE SCHOOL! IM IN HERE!" Tsukasa screamed. He then remembered he had his phone and used his flashlight to flash light under the door, hoping to get someone's attention. "HELLO?! ANYONE?!" Tsukasa begged, going back to banging on the door. The flashlight was still on. After a full 20 minutes of screamed and flickering a phone flashlight, he remembered something way too obvious. He could contact his friends! He grabbed his phone, and to his horror when he turned it on, a 'low battery' notification was on his screen, and his phone powered down. Tsukasa screamed and cried, banging on the door again. He finally gave up and sat in the corner of the bathroom, unable to fall asleep.

An POV, Kamiyama Highschool;
An finally arrived at her Highschool with Toya and Akito, sighing. "I'm gonna go on hall duty and unlock all the doors. Cya." An said tiredly. Toya and Akito always came with her to school early. They nodded and walked into the school. "Good Morning, An." A teacher said, walking past her. An nodded and took out her key, starting to unlock all the classrooms. "/ Clasroom 2-AB, classroom 1-AC..../" An thought as she repeatedly twisted her key in all the locks. She suddenly heard soft crying coming down the hall. "Hm?" An said. Was a teacher crying in the boys bathroom? She walked over and put her ear on the door. She unlocked the door, and gasped at the sight of a student in a corner, crying. It wasn't just any was Tsukasa! An ran over and put a hand on Tsukasa's cheek, feeling it burn up. "Oh my gosh- have you been here overnight?!" An asked. Tsukasa lightly nodded, his dark eye bags looking almost fake. He was extremely hot and shaky, and An could just tell the way he looked he was sick..really bad. An started to panic as she tried to help Tsukasa up. He just fell to the ground again, so An scooped him up in her arms. He was surprisingly light, but was making her skin red from how hot he was. She finally found a teacher. "Mrs. Yakutski- Tenma was stuck in the bathroom overnight! He's burning up!" An exclaimed, and the teacher quickly grabbed him and pulled out a walki talki. "Code Red, Boys bathroom, Tenma Tsukasa." The teacher quickly said, logging off. Cars and students started to appear in the front of the school, and the teacher put Tsukasa in a office chair as she welcomed the students with a worried look. She spotted Rui and Mizuki run into the boys bathroom, and come out after a minute. "AN- DID U FIND TSUKASA?!" Mizuki screamed, causing a big scene. The students went slower and watched as An explained what she found, Rui looking more nervous every word she said. "He's in Mrs. Yakutski's classroom right now." An finished. She then remembered that Mrs. Yakutskis classroom is filled with students...and they were probably horrified. Right after she thought that she heard multiple screams in the classroom behind her, and went inside. "Y'all just calm down!" An said, grabbing Tsukasa. He was now asleep- that was probably why they were yelling. She had no problem holding tsukasa until his sister came- wait, his SISTER? Where are the tenmas parents?? Saki ran up and grabbed Tsukasa with ease, looking at An. "Is he okay? What did he look like? Is he hurt? What happened?" Saki threw questions at An, and she didn't have enough time to answer. A teacher An never saw before broke up Saki and An. "Tenma is fine. He just needs to stop being lazy, and he can get to class." The teacher said angrily. An and Saki gasped as he roughly shook Tsukasa, forcing him awake. "U-ugh...." He said. An watched as the teacher forced him to stand. "Now, go to class, Tenma." He said. Tsukasa nodded weakly and stumbled away. An looked at the teacher, furious. "You can't send him off like that! Hes seriously sick!" An said, Saki looking furious. "He's fine. He was just hot cause he has warm clothes on." The teacher walked away, and An stared after him. "Who the fuck does he think he is?" Saki said, her voice cracking angrily. An shook her head, walking off to class. What a rollercoaster this day was going to be.
Word Count: 833

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