Rolling Girl

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(This is literally Tsu's theme song-)

Tsukasa POV, Tenma Household:
Tsukasa returned the box cutter under his bed. His cuts stung like crazy, and on top of that, his torso was aching. He sat down on his desk again, rolling his sleeves down to hide his cuts. He continued to work on his homework until his alarm blared. Tsukasa turned it off and grabbed a long sleeved shirt and jeans. He changed quickly, brushed his teeth and hair, and went downstairs. "H-Hey big bro! Are you ready for school!" Saki asked, looking at Tsukasa's sleeve. "Yup! Let's get going." Tsukasa said. He went outside and got on the sidewalk, waving bye to Saki. Saki hesitantly waved back. Tsukasa noticed her smile twitching. What was wrong with her? Tsukasa couldn't get it off his mind. He arrived at school, to be greeted by whispers. "I thought he killed himself- im disappointed he's back.." A student said. Tsukasa gritted his teeth. "I heard he forced his sister to hurt him so he could get out of school." Someone else said. He could still hear various rumors as he walked the hall to his classroom. He was slowly going crazy, and once he got there, he lost balance and leaned on the classroom hard. A thud sounded as he hit the wall, and all the kids looked at him. "/shit, this is akward.../" Tsukasa thought as he forced himself up, walking into his classroom. Rui was in there, and he looked slightly worried as Tsukasa struggled to sit down in the back. "Good morning, Students! Welcome back to school. Make sure to finish all your summer break homework this week and bring it in!" Mr. _____ said, and Tsukasa suddenly blurred out everything. The only thing that was happening is the sound of someone stomping on a body. A flashback unfolded to Tsukasa getting stepped on in the corner of the backstage, a furious expression on Rui. The pain started over again, and it felt so real.
Stop messing with me
Stop messing with me
Stop messing with me!
"TSUKASA TENMA!" Someone shouted, launching Tsukasa out of his flashback. He noticed that he was digging his nails into his fists again, and they were bleeding. Tsukasa blinked and stopped, looking at the teacher. "A-Ah, yes?" He asked. "Everyone in your class has left for lunch.." Mr. ____ said, ushering Tsukasa out of class. He went over to his locker to grab his lunch box, when he suddenly felt someone put both of their hands on his locker (this is the pose cause I can't rlly explain it. The yellow is where Tsu is standing)

 The yellow is where Tsu is standing)

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Tsukasa turned around to face them. "Oh crap..." there was a group of boys that often targeted older kids, and they were right infront of him right now. The kid who trapped him started to talk. "Should we teach this kid a lesson for skipping school and getting to take a break, while we had to suffer?" They said. The three boys behind him nodded, and the boy infront of him grabbed his shirt collar, raising him up from the ground easily. Tsukasa struggled to pry his hands off him, everyone either rushing away from the scene or staying to watch. The bully suddenly punched Tsukasa in the face, and his nose immediately started to bleed. "Only one soft punch, and you're already bleeding?" The kid taunted. He suddenly started to bang Tsukasa's head into his locker repeatedly, blood stains soon appearing. "L-leave... me alone!" Tsukasa yelled, still struggling. The bully's laughed and dropped him to the floor. Tsukasa landed in a awkward and painful position. He suddenly got kicked in the stomach, and he gagged. The boys started to repeatedly kick him in the face, stomach or legs. Tsukasa was sobbing. It felt like they would never stop-! They suddenly dragged him to the males bathroom, plugging a sink and filling it up. Tsukasa screamed loudly as they slowly lowered his face in the water. He could t breath, and he tried extremely hard to make them loosen their grip. Finally, after a couple minutes, Tsukasa went limp.

Rui POV, Kamiyama Highschool:
Rui went to his locker and grabbed his lunchbox. He was meeting Nene on the rooftop. As he was walking up the stairs, he heard someone scream. He dropped his lunch and ran towards the male bathroom. He ran through the halls until he bumped into...Akito? "A-Akito! Out of the way!" Rui said, pushing him to the side. He saw Akito give him a angry and confused look, but he ignored it. He was still navigating the halls, until he found it. The door was closed, and Rui hesitated to open it. He finally opened the door to find a guy holding a familiar looking boys head inside a sink full of water. His body was limp. "OH SHIT-LEAVE LEAVE!" A tall, brown haired boy alerted. The boys looked at Rui and evacuated the bathroom. Rui stared after them, then at the blonde boy who's head was still in the sink. Rui quickly pulled it out and saw that the water was red, and so was his face. He had multiple bruises on his face, and he looked pale. Rui panicked, then heard someone unlock a bathroom stall. Mizuki  came out. "I was hiding in here from the boys too. This is the ONLY reason I'm in the boys bathroom!" She said. She then spotted Rui holding Tsukasa and rushed over. "I heard everything- those motherfuckers!" Mizuki growled, examining Tsukasa. "OUT OF THE BOYS BATHROOM!" A teacher said, not far from the door. Rui quickly shoved Tsukasa into a stall and got up. "School id OVER! get  home! Especially YOU, Miss!"  The teacher came into view and brushed them all out, closing and locking the door to the bathroom.

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