Corpse Dance

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Tsukasa POV:

It's been a week since that sleepover. A very uneventful week. Tsukasa honestly didn't remember anything. His mom was around him a little more than usual, and Saki was giving him weird looks. He didn't like it. Tsukasa got up from his desk, his arms aching when he stood up (i low key forgor about the fact that tsukasa got stabbed in the arm lets just pretend it healed-for more angst im gonna let the leg stab wound not heal fully). His whole room was still littered with paper. One that stood out to him was a yellow highlighted sheet of homework. Tsukasa sat down again, looking at the letters. It's like they were in a different language. Tsukasa tried to wrap his head around it, but nothing worked. "A star shouldn't act like this.." Tsukasa mumbled, hitting his forehead with the heel of his palm. Everything in his life crashed when he fell asleep at that stupid play. He didn't have to give in, yet he did. He was reckless for escaping that stupid hospital. He was dumb for lying to his stupid friends. Wait. What? Did he just call his friends stupid? Tsukasa's eyes widened at the horrific thought. He should be the one that's called that! Oh, no... his friends were perfect. Nene fit perfectly into every role,song and costume. Rui talked and moved along with everything perfectly. Emu remembered everything perfectly, and was too cheery to not be apart of the perfect band. WHY COULDNT TSUKASA BE PERFECT?!. He always tried and tried. He felt terrible when he couldn't get a zipper down all the way in a costume that was supposed to fit him. He felt terrible when he skipped a line, or didn't put his feet the correct way in a dance. He felt terrible when he wasn't always acting with that stupid happy World Future Star Persona. He felt terrible when his voice cracked in a song. He felt terrible when he was too short to preform something on stage. He felt terrible when someone worried about hi- BEEP. BEEP.

"oh..." Tsukasa muttered. His alarm clock was going off. When he grabbed his phone to turn it off, a life-sized Len popped out of his screen. He looked the same in the sekai. His hologram scared the crap out of Tsukasa, but Len put a cold hand over his mouth to shut him up from screaming. "Come. Please, save the SEKAI. I won't force you to come inside. Please, get better. I don't want you to bottle up your feelings. Tell your friends. You are not a burden. Rui loves you. Saki is happy. Nene is happy. Emu is happy. Be yourself." Len said, giving a whole speech. He then slowly lowered his hand for Tsukasa to grab. Tsukasa clasped his hand onto the hologram, getting pulled up lightly. "Who is Tsukasa Tenma?" Len asked, before quickly disappearing. Tsukasa shook his head. It was selfish to be mad at himself because he was imperfect. He was made this way. "Tsukasa! Time for school!" He heard Saki yell. Tsukasa nodded, grabbing a black sweater and jeans, quickly changing. He brushed his teeth and combed his shitty hair. He used some makeup that Saki lent him to cover up his artificial looking eyebags, then ran down the stairs. "I made you a bento! Let's go!" Saki said, handing Tsukasa his bento box and running out the door. Tsukasa followed behind her. His vision suddenly clouded as he ran, and he felt multiple warm shivers down his spine. He took off his backpack, knowing he was going to fall flat on his face, and threw it on the ground a couple feet away from him. Right then, Tsukasa felt his legs become limp and his head hit the backpack.

Saki POV:

"CMON! WE GOTTA GO!" Saki screeched, shoving her brothers bento box into his hands. She took off down the sidewalk, with Tsukasa right behind her. She could hear both of them panting as they worried about school. Saki suddenly saw Tsukasa's black backpack fall onto the ground. Tsukasa soon fell after it, and his head hit the backpack. "oh crapppPPPPPPPP" Saki groaned. Did he pull an all-nighter again. She crouched down and shook Tsukasa, getting weird looks from people. Soon, a nice kid (NIC) with brown wavy hair walked up to her. "Oh, do you need help? He asked. Saki nodded as she shook he brother. The boy put a foot on Tsukasa's stomach, and aggressively pushed down. Tsukasa gasped and got up, coughing violently. Dirt was sticking onto the bottom of his eye lids. "Ah- lemme wipe that off..." Saki said, reaching a finger towards him. She hesitantly wiped the dirt off, feeling a heavy coat of foundation. "So that's why it was sticking.." Saki pondered, wiping off all the foundation. Ah. He had really heavy eyebags, and Saki noticed that Tsukasa didn't even try to lie about it this time. "Oh...I think I'll get going now..." The boy said hesitantly, pulling a skateboard out of his massive backpack and riding away. "THANK YOU!" Saki called after him. She then turned to Tsukasa, and pulled out a makeup palate. "You applied that pretty well for your first time." Saki said as she dipped a thin brush into her foundation (yall idk how makeup works so pls correct me if I say it wrong so I can fix it). She then put a couple heavy strokes where she wanted it, then took out a sunset pink blender and dabbed it all over the area. Soon enough, the horrifying tired stranger was gone, replaced with a shocked and healthy looking Tsukasa. "A-Ah..thank you.." Tsukasa said, standing up and grabbing his backpack. "No more staying up late! Your going to mess up more of you keep doing this." Saki scolded, slightly shaking Tsukasa on the shoulder. "I'll try...yet I can't garuntee." Tsukasa said. Saki huffed and set off for school again.

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