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(all fool is currently one of my favorite songs- followed by Spiderweb by Melanie Martinez and Donut Hole by GUMI)

Rui POV:

Rui smiled, getting pulled into a weak hug by his (boy)friend. "t-thank you, Tsukasa...." Rui stuttered. Tsukasa just let out a content sigh, and let go of him. He then reached for the door. Thats when Rui noticed the weird bandages on the lower part of his arm. "Hey- wait." Rui said, grabbing his upper arm. Tsukasa jumped and looked at him, his head tilted. "Yeah?" He asked. Rui looked at him, his eyes narrowed. "Why are there bandages on your arm? A-And why are they stained with blood?!" Rui asked, now noticing the little blood stains littered across the bandage. Tsukasa blushed yet again and put a hand on his head. "A-Ah....I was opening a box and Saki bumped into me...didn't end well." Tsukasa muttered the last part. Rui nodded, believing him, and opened the dusty closet door. "FINALLY! YOU GAYFUCKS TOOK FOREVER!" An sighed, getting up and dramatically flipping her hair. Rui groaned and walked over to the group. They were all crowded in the living room, watching something on the TV. "Kohane came up with this idea to watch a cooking show, and try to make one of the dishes in it!" Honami said, clapping her hands together. "YEAH! WERE WATCHING A DESSERT COOKING SHOW RIGHT NOW! ITS GONNA BE SUPER WONDERHOE!" Emu said. "OH MY GOSH I MEANT WONDERHOY! IM SO SORRY!" Emu's face flushed as she realized what she said. Everyone laughed, including Rui and Tsukasa. "Its ok! One time I was in a fight with my Dad, and I mispronounced my neighbors name and said something completely different..." Mizuki said, shivering at the thought. "Oh wow! That chocolate and apple tart looks real good!" Someone suddenly intterupted. Rui saw Tsukasa scream and fall onto the ground, his phone glowing. "OH MY-" Nene said, covering her mouth. They had to keep SEKAI a secret! "MIKU! NOWS NOT THE TIME!" Rui said, rushing over and grabbing Tsukasa's phone. Everyone was looking at the hologram of Miku coming from the phone. " you have a SEKAI to?" Kanade suddenly said. "EH-? You know what a SEKAI is?!" Toya questioned, getting up. Airi smiled and took out her phone, showing a file of a song Untitled. "We have one too!" Shizuku said. "W-Wow....I guess we all have SEKAI's....Leo/Need has one aswell..." Shiho scathed, taking out her phone. "This is a lot to take in-" "LETS GO VISIT EACHOTHERS SEKAIS!" An screeched. Everyone took their vision from the hologram to An. "Thats actually a good idea.." Akito said, half-whispering it. "Yeah! I wanna see how you all express your feelings into music!" Nene said. "O-Ok...I guess well go first, cause I already have my phone out..." Airi said. 


Tsukasa POV:

"I guess its our turn!" Rui said, handing Tsukasa his phone. They were all currently in the Vivid Bad Squad SEKAI. Tsukasa nodded. He was still a little nervous. What if the Wonderland SEKAI didnt heal? Tsukasa shook his head. Of course it did. He healed, and so should it. He searched for the UNTITLED file on his phone. Everyone was attempting to loom over his shoulder. He finally found it, and hesitated to press play. "y'all ready?" Tsukasa asked, grabbing Rui's hand as he grabbed someone else's hand. Soon enough they made a train. "Yup!" Maffuyu said. Tsukasa nodded and pressed play. Tsukasa watched in horror as instead of a blinding white light, grey fog swallowed them all. The little colorful triangles were now red eyes. When they arrived, Tsukasa fell to the ground, his eyes wide. "W-WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE?!" Nene screeched. The whole place was a creepy, run down wonderland. Red eyes were staring at them. They were in the sky, in the ground, and in the rides. Multiple negative sentences were written on rides, such as "why am I staying here", or "stars are perfect. im not trying enough.". Tsukasa coughed, the black fog still around the area. "DUDE- WHOS THE TROUPE LEADER AGAIN?" Akito screeched, looking at the SEKAI's band. Nene hesitantly pointed to Tsukasa, who was on his knees. "D-Dude....your mental health is messed up..." Ena said, shivering at the cold atmosphere. Right after Ena said that, the Ferris wheel near them suddenly loosened. Tsukasa screamed and got up. "OH FUCK. NOPE. NOOOOPE. I WANT TO LEAVE. I WANT TO LEAVE!" An screamed. "Wait- right after I said that, something broke. Someone, insult Tsukasa!" Ena said. "U-UHM... YOUR EGO IS WAY TOO BIG! IT LOOKS LIKE YOUR THE MAIN CHARACTER!" Emu said. Tsukasa gasped. He never knew Emu thought that. A rollercoaster suddenly stopped moving, pieces of wood falling off of it. "It seems the more he's damaged, the more the SEKAI is damaged." Rui said. "TSUKASA! GET YOURSELF TOGETHER! WE CANT LOOSE A SEKAI!" Akito said. "DONT-" Rui screeched. Suddenly, the Ferris wheel's screws fell out, and it rolled towards them. "OH MY FUCKING GOD! RUN!!!" Kohane screeched, sprinting away. Tsukasa gasped, running as fast as he could. He looked back to see Emu struggling to get up. Tsukasa did a 180 and ran back, grabbed her, ignored the pain, and started to run. Emu and Tsukasa were now behind, and Tsukasa didnt think he could hold her much longer. His torso ached as he ran. "ITS OK KASA! THE FERRIS WHEEL TURNED! WERE OK!" Emu said, jumping out of his grip. Tsukasa looked around, noticing something. 

Everyone was scattered around the Sekai.



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