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"Alright- Uhm..I trust you can go into your house by yourself?"

The girl had her hand on Tsukasa's shoulder. This was when he noticed that she was a little taller than him. Biting a part of his lip, he nodded and fiddled with the doorknob.

"Ok...I have to go now.. Here's my phone number if you ever need to call me." She handed Tsukasa a folded up peice of paper. Tsukasa smiled and grabbed it, stuffing it into the bottom of his pocket.

When he got inside, Saki was no where to be seen. 'Probably upstairs.' Tsukasa thought, before making his way up the staircase. Each step made him feel more guilty about what happened at the record store.

He didn't understand why he just broke down like that. Turning his gaze down to face his battered palms, he looked at them while standing in the hallway. 

A door in-front of him slowly opened, and Tsukasa quickly put his hands down and looked at Saki instead. She had a hesitant look on her face, but when she saw Tsukasa a smile creeped up her face.

"Hi Tsukasa! How was it?" Wow. She wasn't worried at all anymore. "Mm..good. I'm tired."
Tsukasa sighed, walking over to give Saki a hug. Saki laughed and pulled away, patting her bed.

Tsukasa sat next to her, wearing a small smile.
"Did you buy anything?" Saki asked. Tsukasa thought for a moment. He didn't carry anything home except his wallet and phone.

"No. They didn't have anything interesting.".  "Awwh..that's a shame. Maybe you just need to branch out a little though." Saki suggested. "Maybe it will solve your music poverty."

Hmm.. Tsukasa did enjoy a little bit of every genre. Maybe he would explore more of them. "Hmm....Ok." Tsukasa shuffled Saki's hair, and she let out a laugh.

Getting up, the siblings said goodbye to each other. "Take a nap if your tired." Saki squeaked before she closed her door. "I will..." He sighed, trudging over to his "room".

Was this even a room? It was overlooking the balcony, but he had no walls, no decorations of his own. Didn't Rui say that you had to put something special of yours in your room for it to be actually be considered a room?

Oh...Rui..Tsukasa sighed as he flopped into his bed. He missed Rui. He missed Rui a lot. He wondered when he would see him again. 'If he even wants to see me. All you've done for the past month is hide in your room, get fucked up at school and cry.'

Oh well. Tsukasa was too tired to think right now. Stuffing his face into his pillow and pulling up the covers to his neck, his mind drifted off into a deep sleep.

Walking back from the Tenma household, Aiyona fought the urge to snap a picture of their address. They weren't that popular, but to her it was a dream come true to see her Idol.

Well, not really a good dream. It broke her heart to see her idol break down in front of her like that. Wasn't he all boasty and "I'm A Star"? Or was that just his stage persona?

When Aiyona got to her front porch, she unlocked the door and quickly ran inside. Locking it again, she scanned the small room.

All knives there? Yes.
Utensils missing?

Aiyona ran over to the silverware drawer and looked inside. No.

Making her way over to the bathroom, she quickly ripped the shower curtain open.

Bathroom clear.

Alright. She hated this part.

Aiyona quitely creeped into her sisters room, her vision blinded with how dark it was.

"Sister? I'm back."

Aiyona waited for a response.

"Ugh..oh..hi ayi."

Sighing, Aiyona turned on the lights. No blood, no tears, no nothing. This only happened on good days. "How was your day?" Aiyona asked. She sat next to her older sister.


Aiyona smiled. "That's great, Chiyo! I also had a great day!" She then held out her hand, palm down.

Chiyo stared at it for a second, then turned away. "Okay. I'll leave now." Aiyona smiled, ruffled her sisters hair a little and closed the door.

Sighing, she made her way over to her bedroom, not bothering to close her door. She needed a nap. Jumping into her bed, she looked around one last time before closing her eyes.

Y'all want to know what the deal is with Aiyona's sister, correct?


Also, I'm going to add illustrations for some chapters. They're all by me.

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