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Saki POV, room 924:
Saki stared at Rui in horror. "you hurt him..!" Saki whispered, her arms shaking. Rui already put too much pressure on her brother, but this was just past the line!   "YOU hurt my big brother?" Saki repeated. She saw Rui take a step back, and Tsukasa widen his eyes. Saki screamed and launched herself at Rui. But something caught her. She looked back to see Tsukasa standing on his hospital bed,  his breathing heavy and tears running down his face. "S-Saki! Don't!" He cried.

Tsukasa POV, room 924:
Tsukasa launched up, and the pain was equivalent to getting shot. He screamed and started to cry as he held onto Saki. "S-SAKI! DONT!" He cried, feeling her trying to make him loosen his grip. Tsukasa shook his head and stepped out of his hospital bed, the pain still stinging him like thousands of wasps. He grabbed onto Saki tighter, and she finally gave up. Tsukasa sighed and looked at himself. He was shaking really hard, and his eyes were still streaming. Saki got out of his arms and stared at him. The only thing he could do was sit down on his bed. "T-Tsukasa, he hurt you!" Saki said. He couldn't answer, but Emu did. "Violence is never the answer, Saki. Even if someone's friend beats them up and then lies about it." Emu whispered. She sat down next to Tsukasa and put her arm on his shoulder. Saki started to cry. Maybe she finally realized what she did, or she was still angry. "R-Rui I'm sorry...." Saki sighed. She then took a place next to emu, staring at her brother. Tsukasa's head hanged so no one could see his expression, but he was twitching and shivering pretty violently in attempt to shake off the pain. "Wow wow- Tsukasa calm down-" Rui said, putting a hand on his leg. Tsukasa could barley hear through his throbbing head. His torso hurt more than it ever did in his experience in the past month. Tsukasa started to let out shaky breaths, and Nene sat next to him and hugged him. All of this made him feel warm. Sweat and tears dripped down his cheek, and he finally raised his face. "Tsukasa calm down!" Rui repeated harshly, grabbing his shoulders tight. Tsukasa shook his head and crawled under the hospital blanket, still shaking but the pain dying down.

-Time Skip: 2 Days-
Tsukasa finally had his surgery done,  and he felt much better. He still has his cast on, but he didn't mind. He had to stay in the hospital for 3 months. It was hard to move around, because the metal ribs were oversized. It was also painful to eat. Tsukasa was currently talking with Minori on the phone. It had become a daily routine for him to do this, since Minori was always worried about him. Sometimes Haruka or Airi joined the call. "So, we're gonna have a collab performance with Leo/Need, and we're gonna record it for you!" Minori said. Tsukasa smiled. "Thank you!"

They shouldn't do this
You're too lazy to get out of bed
Saki needs you right now
Friends only want your money.

Tsukasa snapped back to reality to find himself crying in his arms. "Wow wow- Tsukasa!" Minori said before he ended the call. He put his phone back on the nightstand and turned away from the door. We're they really his friends? He couldn't tell. Suddenly, a doctor came in and placed a tray of food on the nightstand next to his bed, the soft clank alerting him. When he got up, the doctor was gone. Tsukasa stared at the food, then shook his head and layed down again. It was a bad attempt to sleep, but he eventually managed to drift off in a hour or so.

(HUGE time skip!)
Toya POV, Aoyagi Household:
Toya sat in his room, his AirPods in as he listened to his newly released song. It was the week before Tsukasa was getting released. They warned everyone that he would always be naturally underweight, and that he would still be a little sore in the spot where he had his surgery. Toya felt that everything was going fine in his life. Him and Akito were close boyfriends, his band was doing well, Saki was healthy, and even his father was leaving him alone. Toya checked the clock. 2:13 PM. "OH SHIT- IM GONNA BE LATE!" Toya exclaimed, shooting up and running out of his room. He promised to visit Tsukasa again before he was released with Saki. He left a note for his parents and ran out the door. He got in his car and drove to Maple Leaf Hospital.

-Time Skip: 10 Mins-
Toya finally arrived and parked his car, getting out with his phone and keys. He locked his car and ran to the entrance. "Aoyagi! Here for the usual?" Dr. _____ greeted him. Toya nodded and calmed down, getting in the elevator. He arrived at Tsukasa's floor and looked around for his room. He always forgot it was right in the middle. He knocked on the door, hearing a cheery voice say: "Come In!"

Word Count: 869

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