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|| A/N: Y'all my writing is going to be fancy for the beginning of this chapter, enjoy it while u can >:3 Its all fluff accept the very beginning sooo- MY SCIENCE FAIR IS TMRW AND MY PARTNER DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ISTG. Also I've been getting questions of what "onii-chan" and "Imoto" means. Onii-chan means older brother, and Imoto means younger sister. ||

The odd words were at Tsukasa's tongue. "I miss this." he muttered. Yet it shouldn't be missed. It was still here, still alive. Still existing. His empty heart longed for a humble answer, but as much as he reached, his arm faltered before he could grasp it. Tsukasa sighed, heaving himself up from the ground. His aching limbs protested loudly, and a rumble in his chest roared at him to lay down again. He did as he was told, climbing into his messy bed and setting his head onto a soft pil-. "Tsukasa! You promised you would make dinner today!" He heard Saki call, her voice soft yet loud enough to be heard from his room. Tsukasa flinched, enough for his chest to swerve again. 'Ignore it, its only holding you back. You can do shows, right? If you can preform on a stage, you can do this as well-'. Tsukasa's thoughts were cut off from the pain as he got up, his arms limp. Tsukasa shook his body, the pain filtering back. His whole face still felt numb, but he pushed away the feeling as he stood. It wasn't so bad anymore- maybe he was over exaggerating. He pushes himself off the wall he was semi-leaning on, and quickly strides out of his room. Tsukasa's hair was ruffled from shoving the back of his head into his pillow over and over again. Down the hallway, down the stairs, across the bottom floor to the kitchen. Quickly taking out a pan, he set to it. Mushrooms, peppers, salt, pepper- he was going to make curry (persona 5 reference?? Leblanc cafe???). White rice was absent-mindedly poured into a boiling pan with a few flicks of water, and taken out quickly. Tsukasa didn't want to have brown rice, but he wanted to warm it up. The microwave was broken. The scent of thick, spicy curry sauce quickly wafted into the living room, and Tsukasa could hear a happy-saki-sound. "Oh my- that smells so good, Onii-chan! Can I come see?" Saki sleekly questioned. "Sure." He simply muttered, loud enough to make it to the room beside him. Tsukasa quickly slid the whole lid off of the pot when Saki and Ichika came into the kitchen, their eyes wide with delight. Ichika practically levitated over like a cartoon and took a long look inside, her eyes widening somewhat more. "A-Ah...I need to get the sauce onto the rice to serve it.." Tsukasa stuttered, his face red with embarrassment. "Oh- Right! Sorry." Ichika yelped, backing up. He let out a faint laugh and grabbed a wooden spoon, carefully pouring the sauce onto the white rice. Steam rose into the air, and his gaze slowly followed it. Saki quickly snatched all three plates and placed them onto the table, coming back for plastic spoons and napkins. Tsukasa stole a look at her hands. They had multiple bandaids, and they had little scratch marks. "Ah- Imoto, are your hands ok? They look a little worn." Tsukasa remarked, clenching his teeth as he waited for the girls to sit down. Saki's eyes snapped up to his, and she smiled and let her head bob a little to the side. "Oh- I've just been practicing a lot, for the next song- and you know how my skin is fragile!" Saki cooed, her smile fading slowly. Tsukasa slid into his seat once everyone was ready, and he watched as the girls eye's widened once they bit into the curry. "Tsukasa-Kun, this is really good!" Ichika beamed, before tucking in. Saki was eating it quickly, a small smile on her face. Tsukasa cocked his head to the right. It surely wasn't that good. He took a bite of the meal, the average taste not satisfying him. 'I don't know why they're going crazy over it. It tastes like one of those microwavable curry in a cup things.' Tsukasa shrugged. The only sounds were clanks of silverware and the occasional tap of a finger, or a screech of a moving chair. "Ah- how was your day, Hoshino-San?" Tsukasa asked, Ichika flinching into herself. "A-Ah, there's no need to be fancy! Just call me Ichika or Hoshino!" Ichika, or Hoshino, stuttered. Tsukasa let out a small, forced laugh before getting up and delicately tucking his chair in. "Onii-Chan, your done already?" Saki asked, hesitantly glancing at his plate. Tsukasa nodded, and when his sister gave him a hard look, he sighed. "Im not very hungry- I had some food right after school." Tsukasa said truthfully, wrapping the plate up with plastic wrap and quickly shoving it into the fridge. "Oh- Okay! Remember to practice for your show next week." Saki neeked, waving at him as Tsukasa trudged up the stairs.

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