Stop Nagging Me!

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(Miku has a cover of this song, plus I thought it fit this chapter well)

Tsukasa POV, room 924:
"Come in!" Tsukasa said. Getting up and sitting on the ledge of his bed. He felt fine now, only a little pain here and there. The door opened to reveal Toya. He was red and panting loudly. "I ran my ass off to get here.." Toya sighed. Tsukasa laughed as Toya sat next to him. Suddenly, Saki came into Tsukasa's room once again. "Their releasing you early!" She cheered. "They said there's no reason for you to be here for another day, cause ur fine!". Tsukasa pumped his fist in the air, getting up with ease. "Can I do shows?" He asked. Saki nodded happily and went out of the room. "Congrats, dude!" Toya said, and they both hugged for a long time. They finally broke apart and checked out of the hospital. Tsukasa got in his own car (it's been parked in the hospital parking lot for 5 months- yikes) and wiped the dust off the front seat, taking off with Toya and Saki right behind him. He arrived at his house pretty quickly and grabbed the secret key in a broken gutter near the front door and unlocked it. He walked in to a nice smelling,clean house. Tsukasa saw an orange stain on the wall near the stairs, and tilted his head (Flashback from chapter 3). He put his phone and key's down on the counter, sighing.

Saki POV, Tenma Household:
Saki and Toya entered the house and looked at Tsukasa as he explored. "I kinda forgot what this house looked like." Tsukasa joked. Saki giggled and then looked at the orange stain.

Saki stared at the orange blood stain. She saw Toya peeking out of a blanket, looking at it too. It reminded her of Tsukasa's eyes. She sighed, coming downstairs with her phone.

Saki shook her head, coming back from the Flashback. She pulled out some board games and set up Candyland first. Toya got excited. "I'm the champion at this! Your asking for defeat!" He exclaimed, rubbing his hands together. Tsukasa laughed loudly and got up. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom- you can start without me." He said. "Ok! Need any help getting there?" Saki asked. "Nope, I'm fine!"

Tsukasa POV, Sekai:
Tsukasa went into the bathroom and locked the door, pulling out his phone. He went to the file "Untitled" and clicked it. A bright light surrounded him, and he was soon at the sekai. Tsukasa gasped as he saw how dull the sekai was now. The playful music was gone, and all the color from everything was faded. "Tsukasa!" Miku suddenly said, running over to him. She had a cold look in her eyes, and her outfit was black and white. Kaito folllowed her, looking the same as Miku. "Miku- what happened to sekai?!" Tsukasa gasped. "We should be asking YOU that question! Sekai is based around its hosts emotions, and UR the host!" Miku said. She started to cry. "What happened to you? You haven't come to sekai in 7 months!" Kaito growled, his hands on Tsukasa's shoulders. Tsukasa stared at him. "I got hurt really bad and I needed to recover in the hospital.." Tsukasa said. "Did it emotionally impact you? Cause by the looks of sekai, you need a therapist!" Kaito said.

Your fine
Your fine
Your fine
Your fine
Your fine
You're fine
You're fine
Your fine
Your fine
Your fine
Your fine
I'm fine
I'm fine

Tsukasa smiled. "No- I just got hurt really bad. Sekai may look better once it realizes in healed." Tsukasa lied. Kaito nodded. Tsukasa apologized and returned back to reality, coming out of the bathroom. "I'm back! Now, who's winning...."

-Time Skip: 2 hours-
Toya suddenly got up from the couch, sighing. "I gotta get back. Homework and stuff." Toya said. Saki and Tsukasa waved bye until they heard the front door close. "I should probably also get my homework done- first day of school is tomorrow." Saki said, getting up. Tsukasa nodded,cleaned up the board game, and retreated into his room. His smile faded as he saw the stacks of boxes,letters and homework sheets stacked up all around his room. He sighed, his torso slightly aching from walking around a lot. He picked up a pencil from his desk and grabbed a bunch of homework sheets, ready to pull a all-nighter.

Saki POV, Tenma Household:
Saki rubbed her eyes, waking up. She checked the time- 3:52. She sighed, getting up to get a cup of water. She suddenly heard pencil scribbles, and a faint grunt of frustration. She walked over to Tsukasa's room, peeking inside. She put her hand over her mouth when she saw Tsukasa struggling to do honework, one of his hands on his rib cage, and the other holding a pencil. He angrily scribbled up whatever he was writing, crumbled it up, and threw it in the trash. She saw Tsukasa bang his head on the desk, and she jumped at the loud noise. Tsukasa got up and let his body slide on the wall, his eyes full of tiredness and anger. Saki wanted to run over and scold him for staying up, but she stopped once she saw Tsukasa get up. He walked over to his bed and reached under his bed and got a box cutter. Was he going to open the boxes he got? She saw Tsukasa go into the bathroom, and her eyes widened. After a couple minutes, Tsukasa came out with multiple deep cuts on his shoulder, arm and leg, a bloody box cutter in his hand. Saki started to cry as he started to cut himself more in the open, blood spilling onto his wooden bedroom floor. He finally stopped and put the box cutter under his bed, and sat down at his desk again.
Word Count: 999

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