Didn't Know You Would Do This (2)

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A/N📌: There would be some changes of perspectives for some parts, I apologize for that. Here's the part 2 of "Didn't Know You Would Do This"


The whole time you were just staring everywhere. Wilhemina kept you closed by holding your waist and constantly checking you. You on the other hand, felt numb but you did want to go out.

The two of you went to an ice cream store and you just nodded every time Wilhemina will ask something about whether you like the order or not. A sighed escaped Wilhemina as the both of you eat the ice cream at the food court.

"Feeling better?", Wilhemina said as she looked at you staring far away, probably lost in your thoughts while eating the ice cream.

A pair of eyes stared back at her and hesitantly nodded your head. Wilhemina placed her hand above yours  but you did not move or flinched. "(y/n)", her voice starting to get serious.

You quickly looked back to Wilhemina with fear in your own eyes. You felt uneasy because you thought you did something, again. Wilhemina shook her head and held your hands tighter. "No, (y/n). You did not do anything", she gave you a smile.

"Okay", you mumbled and continued to eat her ice cream.

After they ate their ice cream, Wilhemina decided to roamed around the mall. Keeping her hands on your waist from time to time to make sure your safe but she can't help but to look at your lifeless eyes staring everywhere except her. As if she's not there at all, the only thing that makes her feel present is by physical touch.

She saw a clothing store and immediately thought of you. "Would you like to go inside?", she asked you feeling enthusiastically.

You looked inside and observed the people picking and buying clothes. You nodded slowly and Wilhemina took that as a response and began to walk inside the store. They were met with a bunch of beautiful clothes ranging from blouse to dress, pants to skirts and few high heels displayed near the door. It looks majestic and probably pricey based on the looks and the people who are inside.

Wherever Wilhemina would go, you involuntary follows her. But this time, you pulled apart from her and picked up a dress that caught your eyes. You weren't feeling anything. Excitement? No, you can't because there's no reason to be excited. Happiness? There's not even a tiny bit of it.

Numbness is what took over you. Staring at the piece of clothing, it looks like you're interested but you feel nothing by doing this. You just felt like you needed to do something to fight the growing numbness your feeling, basically ignoring the fact that your brain and heart is not working properly these days. You've been to preoccupied with the things that has happened to you to the point where you can't feel a feeling. Sadness, happiness, anger, pain, or even guilt, these was nothing inside you.

All you can feel is the heavy feeling of uneasiness to everything you do and the way your behavior also changed— you're becoming too careful in everything you do and youcan even live a day without saying anything. You were that cautious these few weeks that it's becoming too much and slowly hurting yourself but this is what you felt the right thing to do after all.

You can't bare another accusations about your actions that you deeply knew inside you didn't do it intentionally, but were being misinterpreted by the others— it's always like that. They don't believe you and it's terrible because by now, you think that everything you will do will cause unnecessary fights and you hated when someone will yell at you.

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