For Eternity

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(Ally Mayfair-Richards x Billie Dean Howard)

:After breaking up with Wilhemina and Cordelia. You're now with two lovely women you love in the entire world, Ally and Billie. Things do happen for a reason, Wilhemina and Cordelia went to an event where you are reportedly invited over the news. But then, an armed gang showed up at the event, will it end well?


"They're here"

Billie whispered, you swiftly turned your attention to the main door and saw them standing there.

Wilhemina and Cordelia

Your jaw clenched as you observed them with their flashy outfits. The two women standing tall in front of the main door was the reason why you ran away from your home. One, being near with them. Having a relationship with them based off by an agreement is not a good idea to start of with.

Basically, you were just a "one night stand that got too attached". This one statement made you leave them and you slowly realized how they didn't show the things they talked about inside the arrangement they proposed.

What happened within those years was a tragic event you experienced. Your feelings grew too much for them, at one point you loved them both. But only one gives enough attention to you.


Her eyes still carries the same light and kindness inside her. That's the only thing that you regret doing, leaving her. But you soon realized that she's just treating you as just a human being and not as a romantic partner. You realized this after someone who knew Cordelia told this to you after breaking up with them. Atleast she treated you good.

Someone cleared their throat besides you. Turning around, you saw Ally with those concerned eyes.

"Aren't you suppose talking with the VIPs?", you questioned.

"Seeing those those two, I clearly knew who I need to talk to", she sternly said and looked at them making their way at the tables.

"Don't worry, I think they already forgot about me", you jokingly said and chuckled a little.

"Trust me, they still knew you. Maybe they're still chasing you", she said.

"What for?", you replied.

Ally sighed and looked at you intently, going to a full mom look. A thin smile appeared on her face.

"Everybody in the world knew you. TV magazines, everywhere, your face is almost everywhere", she said exagerrating her words.

"That's because of Billie, maybe half from you", you shortly said and take a sip from your wine.

"If they get close to you I'll make sure to put arsen—"

"Hey, stop right there!", you said scolding her and holding her shoulders.

"A talk would be nice, but when things get out of hand you don't need to do that", you whispered calming her down. Kissing her in the cheeks, she just looked at you and softly nod.

"Find Billie", she said and rolled her eyes.

You raised an eyebrow at her question but she looked at you confused.

"What? I said find Billie"


"One more talk with a woman accompanied with touches everywhere, that woman is out of this party", she said. Ally gets jealous easily espcially for Billie.

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