Trusting Her

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(Ally Mayfair-Richards)

:Ally overheard a conversation between you and Ozzy at the middle of the night after coming home from a party. What would be her reaction?

tw: a little sad at the middle, fluff


The two of you had been going on like this for atleast a good hour now. Ozzy and you have been filling the drawing book that her mom bought for him on her birthday inside the kitchen— that's your favorite place to be with Ozzy. It was peaceful and quiet, the good kind, the one that you like to hear every single day of your life. No television, no neighbors screaming at each other, just you and Ozzy on a jolly night.

Ally had gone off to a party, sort of an appreciation party for her services. She's the star of the event so she had to be there even if she didn't want to attend. You told her it's all going to be fine and just enjoy herself out there even if you're not coming.

The things between the two of you is running smoothly. No conflicts so whatever, things just made their ways so easily between the two of you that it felt like you've known each other for a numerous years now but it's shorter than that. You worked at her restaurant for half a year and now you're currently dating her for 4 months now. Despite the countless rumors about Ally being a racist and so many hurtful things people say about her, you believed absolutely nothing. Although when you started dating her, she gave a heads up about the truth about the death of Ivy.

But it didn't turn you off in any way, you're actually proud of her for pulling something like that. Although from time to time you're still joking about Ally poisoning you whenever she would get you a pasta and she would just glare at you.

For these past 4 months of dating her, you knew she is going to be the one. Ally took the relationship in her own way because she's still cautious and you can easily detect that from her. Sometimes she would be hesitant to leave Ozzy with you at the beginning of the relationship, but now she fully trust you with him, not at all things though. There are still pieces she doesn't count you with it but that's fine. You'll wait as long as it take for her to fully trust you.

You were suddenly broken by your thoughts when Ozzy pulled your shirt, a thing he does when he wants to get your attention.

"Why are you not with mom?"

Emitting a short but rather deep sigh, you closed your eyes for a moment. Obviously he would notice. You turned around to him and flashed out a smile. "Your mom is the main event there, I don't want to outdo her", you joked trying to get Ozzy's mind to somewhere else.

"Yeah—", he nodded and picked up a crayon. Before he could get to color the next part, he looked at you. "Is there something going on between the two of you?", he asked innocently. It broke your heart seeing him that he noticed the way that the two of you have been doing for these past few days. I need to tell him. Flashing out a smile, you moved closer to him.

"You know there are things in this world that you may not get yet but—"

"Mom always says that to me", he gladly cut you off which you found amusing. You let out a chuckle, shaking your head softly and caressed his head. "It's because it's true", you said.

"You know your mom still takes her time to fully trust me, don't you agree?", you softly asked and he nodded.

"How long have I been dating your mom? 4 months,—"

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