I Care For You

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(Ally Mayfair-Richards)

:You had a panic attack when Ally is still outside

tw: panic attack, fluff


You're currently alone at the house. You just send Ozzy off to school and Ally is currently running some errands. As you're cooking in the kitchen, you can't help but to notice your palms are beginning to sweat. Your heart beats faster than usual.

"Not this time", you whispered to yourself, stabilizing yourself on the table.

You don't know what is triggering you for having a panic attack right now. It made you feel nervous, adding to your growing panic attack. Your breathing is starting to become shallow, tears forming unintentionally, hands holding your chest.

"Please...", it came out as a whisper before you fell down on the floor. By now, you're tensed, your frame is shaking and crying.

"A—ally, ally, ally...ally!", you cried out. Seeking out for her in this situation like a baby crying to find her mother. As time passed by, it only gets worse. You don't want to pass out while nobody is around.


You thought but your mind is so busy that you're too tired to reach for it. "Ally!", you shouted, your tone is filled with pain.

Whimpering and crying, that's all you did in your current state. A familiar sound of a car parking outside filled the surrounding. Ally walked in, not finding you at first. "I'm home", she announced. As she was about to place the foods on the kitchen counter, she saw your fragile body on the floor. Arms covering your face, visibly shaking up and loudly crying her name, she immediately dropped those bags.

"(y/n)!", she said. You flinch a little when her hands came in contact with your shoulders. "Sweetheart, it's me Ally. You're safe with me", she softly whispered into your ears, holding the side of your face to make you look at her. Your eyes looked anywhere but hers, still mumbling for help.

"Shh—shh, you're going to be okay. Please look at me", her voice is getting desperate. This is the first time again she saw you having panic attack which made her nervous. Slowly, your gaze met her eyes.

Nodding at your action, Ally cupped your cheeks. "You're doing great, sweetheart. Deep breathes, (y/n)", she said and acting it out. Your mind seems responding as you're catching up on her gestures.

Ally smiled, "There you are, keep doing it— I'm here, (y/n)", she cooed. You're starting to calm down and the tears have subsided. You began to look around, processing what just happened not until you can now feel her gentle touches on your body.

"Ally?", you said.

"I'm here", she answered.

"Ally", you mumbled and instantly hug her. She caressed your back and placed you on her lap. "I'm going to lift you, okay? We're going upstairs", she reminded before lifting you up.

To say that you look like a baby clinging on her mother is a fact. You were Ally's baby, she will do everything to keep you safe. Gently laying you on the bed, she scoot you closer to her and placed you again on her lap. Resting your head on her chest, she put her hands over yours and caressed the soft skin underneath.

"Can you tell me what happened, sweetheart?", she asked while running her fingers on your hair.

Instead of answering, you just put your head on the crook of her neck and tighten the grip on her waist. A hum escaped her lips, "It's okay, anytime you like to tell me. Let's just rest, how does that sound?", she asked.

"Okay", you mumbled.

As you laid there on top of her, your eyes started to get sleepy. In the next few minutes, sleep consumed your body.


Opening your eyes, you can feel the soft matress against your back. A content sigh from your mouth alarmed the woman besides you that you're awake.

A smiled spread across her face, you look around to see her looking at you. You gave her a weak smile. "Are you okay now?", she asked. You nodded and moved closer to her.

"We can stay here for as long as we want", Ally said and your face lit up. Letting out a chuckle, she pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. "Let yourself be comfortable then we will talk, hm?", she asked again.

You nodded.

So the two of you just embraced each other. When you feel like you can open up, you poked her cheeks. A habit you would always do to get her attention, specifically if your mind is slightly slipping into a particular state.

She smiled on your action, placing a hand on your cheeks, thumb caressing your skin. Poking her cheeks softly, you then wrapped it on her waist. "I had a panic attack", you slowly said while looking down, your focus is on her waist.

"I don't know why it happened", your voice is quiet. This breaks her heart knowing you didn't know what caused it. Ally is even more worried because you usually don't get panic attack if there is nothing.

"Can you look at me?", she asked.

You looked up to her, she smiled and caressed your cheeks. "Have you been feeling fine these past few weeks?", she inquired. Trying to recall everything, you suddenly remembered something. It was when you locked yourself in the bathroom as the thought of Ally not loving you anymore has slipped on your mind. But it doesn't make any sense, it was weeks ago.

"Tell me baby", shakily nodding, you cleared your throat. "I locked myself in the bathroom weeks ago", you confessed. This caused her eyes to go wide, not expecting you to say it.

"W–what happened? Did something wrong happened?", she crazily asked. You shake your head no.

"Nothing, I just cried"

"I wish you have told me", she sadly said and wrapped her arms around you. Her head above yours, the sense of comfort radiating from her is immaculate that you can easily feel now that you're safe.

After a few minutes have passed, the two of you decided to take a shower. Laying in the tub, Ally at the back while your body is resting on hers. She slowly massaged your scalp, the pleasure making you close your eyes.

"Does that feel good?", she asked with no hint of seduction, just pure comfort knowing you're in a state where you just want to be hold. A hum escaped your lips, she then continued it all over your body.

"This is nice", you giggled.

"You need to pay me for this", she joked and the both of you laughed.

"I'm all ears, sweetheart. If you need me, I'm always here", she softly said. Turning around to her, you smiled then kissed her in the lips. A long passionate kiss, Ally felt her cheeks turning red making her giggle.

You smiled.

"Please do that again"

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