Didn't Know You Would Do This (3)

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A/N📌: This would be the last part of "Didn't Know You Would Do This".


"Hold me"

Wilhemina was shocked by your actions but she felt the urge to hold you this time. She let her hands touched the cheeks where she slapped you. Tears now falling on her face, regretting every second of that disguting moment.

She looked at your eyes, "I'm sorry", her voiced cracked and continued to cry softly.

"Do you hate me?", you blurted out. This caused to Cordelia and Wilhemina looked at you with worried ane confusion.

"Of course not", Cordelia said softly. This caused you to looked back at her but more tears spilled out of your face.

"Then why did you hurt me in that moment? There's obviously a reason for that!", you whined and a loud sob comes after. By now, you're a crying mess and you covered up your face with you hands and went on crying.

Obviously, Wilhemina doesn't hate you for who you are. What triggers her to do something unforgivable is when you tried to provoke her and distracted her on what she is doing. But she felt guilty because that's the first time you interrupted her, she knew deep down you have something to say but the stressed consumed her and she chose to ignore your intentions.

"I chose to ignore your intentions on that day, I know you knew that I hate being interupted but I didn't think of that in the first place. I thought you're talking nonsense but I remember that I didn't even let you finish", Wilhemina's voice is filled with guilt and now her voice cracks as she spoke.

"Fear me all you want, hate me to the full extent but please do know that I will try everything to make you come back to us", she said and cupped your cheeks staring at your beautiful eyes. "Don't let the thoughts consume you that you're doing everything wrong. It only makes you feel worse, overthinking will lead more to problems", she reminded and hesitantly pulled your face to kiss you forehead.

Hearing those confessions from her, you can't help but to cry more. You felt safe and for the first time, you are being reassured that everything is fine and reminding you to don't listen to the thoughts inside your brain.

Cordelia catches you as you break down again, a new wave of tears flows out of you eyes again, and this time you hugged her tightly as if she's going to dissapear.

Wilhemina held your hand and caressed your hair while you face is buried at Cordelia's neck. You let out a continuous sob as you're crying gets heavy, "Shh, shh, you're okay now", Cordelia said carefully as if you're going to break hearing just a slight change in their tone. You looked fragile that the two of them don't know how to approach you, afraid they're going to break you again.

You moved a little to let yourself breathe and followed what Cordelia keep saying the whole time. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Soon, you're slowly gaining back your consciousness from all the crying. You eyes are puffy now and your throat hurt as hell.

You just swallowed the lump in your throat and confusingly looked at them. "I'm truly sorry for what I have done—", that's all you can say but Wilhemina cut you off.

"No need to be sorry, you did nothing to be causing this, okay?", she asked with a slight cracked on her voice, feeling worried. You just nodded and don't know what to do next.

You involuntarily moved next to Wilhemina and put your whole body at her, hugging her with so much passion and love. She didn't knew what to do next because she's still cautious being with you, afraid she will trigger something inside you.

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