Is It Real?

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(Ally Mayfair-Richards x Wilhemina Venable)

:(y/n) have been waking up to these weird noises from the house and it feels like someone is breaking inside. This went on for days but it seems like she's the only one who is seeing these events and not those people around her like the police. Ally and Wilhemina knew they have to do something but things went worse after.


What it felt like days, turned into weeks and so on. You felt like you're going crazy, all of these stuffs are becoming too much that your brain can't comprehend whether what you see and hear are real or it is all just an hallucinations.

This started when you would hear footsteps at the roof then it will gradually go outside your windows but you shrugged it off for a few days. Not until one day, you decided to check the windows and that's when you saw 3 people at the front yard wearing all black suit carrying big black bags. You gasps and gently closed the windows without making any noise.

From that day, things got so much worse. Each day it gets progressively dangerous and one time they went inside— you were alone and Ally is not around at that time, they must have planned this so well. You were trapped in the kitchen and basically they went mad as hell and did crazy stuffs, they threw anything that they could see and you end up getting cuts, some of them are deep.


When those attackers left, you called 911 and told them everything but it seems like luck is not with you, they didn't found evidences that someone broke into your house. They claimed that you've been hallucinating and you did all of that mess because you were paranoid. At that time, you can't believe they're fucking serious and even Ally defended you from their accusations. But as time passed by, she felt like you were truly hallucinating and developing some symptoms.

But you knew deep down that all of it was real and you're not making things up. Currently, you were attacked again and this time Ally is inside the house.

"Ally!", you shouted while you're covering your head, sitting at the kitchen floor, crying and shaking.

It has been a few minutes you were sitting like this when a man tried to stab you. You heard footsteps so you instantly backed away but then you felt soft touches on your arms.

"I'm here— shh, relax sweetheart. It's Ally..", she gently said as she tried to touched you.

As soon as you heard her name, you hugged her and sobbed in her neck. Ally rubbed your neck and whispered you things to keep you calm. Fortunately, police arrived after Ally hugged you. You felt yourself being taken to the couch. Your eyes are close probably because of exhaustion for all the crying and maybe because you don't want to see the people who still don't believe you.

"With all due respect, Ms. Mayfair-Richards. We do think that your partner needs medical attention", a woman said, their voice are muffled as exhaustion consumed you, but you can still hear them.

"Have you seen her wounds for these past few days?", Ally questioned, sounding offensive at the statement.

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