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(Wilhemina Venable)

:Things went downhill as Wilhemina said something that hurt yout feelings

tw: pills, attempt


Lazily walking on your feet, you found yourself going to your girlfriend's office. For these past weeks, she's stressed with her work and not to mention about her two idiot bosses that keeps her mind spiraling.

With that, it's also lace with more irritation and the one thing you absolutely hate— yelling. You never ever like being yelled at as you always feel small, like the world is pinning you for every problem you make. But the thing is, Wilhemina has a nature to often get angry and pissed off at things. Mainly her back problems, her thoughts or just her work. At the beggining of your relationshup, you were afraid she's going to call you words you despise hearing if she ever found out about your depredsion but surprisingly, she take things on her hands and took it slowly to make you comfortable.

Although there would still be some instances that she can't control her emotions, you understand it. But this month, the case is much worse. Wilhemina has always been irritated about work, complaining about her assistant and the two— Jeff and Mutt. Snapping more often than she used to, accidentally snapping at you for not being able to do things, It's pressuring you.

You're finally in front of her office. Take a deep breath. Trace of you crying for hours is still evident, hands shaking and your heart carries the same heavy feeling.

You carefully knocked on the door before opening, then you saw your girlfriend already glaring at you from her seat. Fuck. From the way her eyes are sending daggers through your soul, you knew she's not in a good mood again.

"Can I ask something?", you shyly asked, feeling vulnerable and small under her presence.

"If you need attention then don't. I don't need any cringy and shitty hugs", Wilhemina hastily said.

Something fell down at the pit of your stomach and the growing pain in your heart intensifies. Oh. You bit your lower lip and momentarily looked to the floor then looking up again.

"It's not th—..okay I'll just leave—"

"Just fucking say it", she answered and that's when you lost it. I'll break down. Staring at your girlfriend, there's no use to talk, she's going to be really annoyed at you if you keep talking.

"Later", you choked out before quickly shutting the door. In just a second, you're making your way out of the house. You didn't know why you're leaving but maybe it's better than laying on your bed where thoughts would fill your mind. This is not safe. Crying outide is definitely not a safe thing to do.

Your eyes are getting blurry and your body is trembling from how much pain and sadness exhibiting your body. Each movement, you can feel the pain flowing through every veins inside you.

Later on, you're already going back, tears still streaming down your face. "Stupid, stupid, stupid...", you keep whispering until you're standing outside.

A heavy sigh escaped your lips and ran for your life inside the bathroom. I can't do this anymore. You thought as you search for your anti-depressany pills. A chuckle left your lips as you remember why you went to her office in the first place. It's because you want to ask if she can hide the pills from you because it keeps staring at you.

Opening it, you pour half of it. Staring at it for a minute, you carefully think of the consequences. She'll see me here, what if she arrive already while I'm still alive. Oh god, what if she try to bring me to the hospital and they successfuly save me. Wilhemina will hate me. Throughts after thoughts, you don't even know what you're doing at the moment before you already feel dizzy and weak.

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