𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓮

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ryevost, east ravka

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ryevost, east ravka

— "YOU JUMPED OFF A BANK??" Saoirse demanded with far too much amusement in her tone. They sat inside the carriage to speak privately while the other two made sure they didn't ride off into the Permafrost by accident. She still hated being inside a coach, but for some reason, it wasn't bothering her so much at the moment.

Kaz shot her a glare. "It was that, or get shot on the job." he retorted.

She pressed her lips together, hiding a smile as she leaned back in her seat with a nod. "Okay." He thought she was in relatively good spirits, all things considered. She'd told him what she'd learned about her father, all the lies and careful manipulation she'd been fed over the years. Inej and Jesper knew too. Saoirse didn't know them, but Kaz trusted them, and she trusted him.

"What you did at the Fete..." he said, changing the subject.

She grinned. "Enjoyed that, did you?"

"I taught you that trick." he scoffed. "Of course I enjoyed it." His expression turned serious as he studied her. "You're more powerful now."

She sighed. "Well, it has been six years." Six years... once upon a time, that had been hard to believe. It was less so now, when she looked at the boy sitting across from her. He was much taller than the last time she'd seen him, not to mention the cane, and his features had grown sharper... After a second, she realised she was staring, and blinked, directing her gaze out the window. Her mouth pulled into a pensive line as she observed the scenery. "I think we're nearly there."

Sure enough, they heard Jesper call out to them only a short while later, and the carriage came to a halt. The four of them moved to the back of the carriage, watching the trunk carefully. Moments later, the lock glowed with heat and fell out of place. When the lid lifted, there was Alina, sitting up inside. Her eyes went to Jesper's gun holsters first, then moved up to the rest of the group, clearly surprised to have an audience. When her gaze landed on Saoirse, she looked rather relieved, though confusion and wariness were mixed in there too. "Saoirse? What are you doing here?"

"Leaving the Little Palace behind." She said bluntly. "What are you doing here?"

She pursed her lips before speaking. "Escaping the General."

"Baghra told you too." Saoirse's face and voice were devoid of emotion, and Alina frowned as she climbed slowly from the trunk.

"I don't understand... Are you angry? I thought-"

"So did I." Saoirse lifted her chin angrily. "But that was before I saw you with him." Alina didn't get the chance to speak before she continued. "I suppose it's only fair though, isn't it? How could I, a child of the Black Heretic, ever measure up to the great Sun Summoner who will save us all?"

Alina raised her hands slightly in a surrendering sort of motion. "I'm sorry, Saoirse. I didn't know what he wanted, what he was doing."

"Did you know his name?" She spat. Alina blinked. "Because I didn't. Baghra was the one who finally told me." They were silent for a long moment after that.

"Alright," Jesper said carefully, trying to diffuse the situation. "We don't want any trouble."

"Neither do I," Alina said. "So I'll just be on my way." Kaz's cane snapped upward to block her path.

"Clearly you want out of East Ravka." the sharpshooter continued. "We have a secure route through the Fold."

"I prefer to travel alone." She said, growing more wary by the minute.

"Don't be rash. You stick with us, everybody gets what they want."

"I'm not being anyone's captive ever again." Alina turned her glare on Kaz. "So step aside, and let me pass."

He finally spoke now. "I'm afraid we can't let that happen."

Jesper reached for his gun and Saoirse saw the moment Alina's hands came together. Her light blinded the other two temporarily but her left hand raised, refuting with shadows. "Don't!" someone grabbed her arm and the shadows faltered. Alina's power hit her hard and she went flying back, hitting the cobblestone ground. She coughed, pressing a hand to her stomach as she regained the breath that had been knocked out of her. She lay there for a minute, then with a groan, pulled herself up onto one knee. She felt a sting in her shoulder, and pulled her coat aside to find a scrape just above her shoulder blade. She glanced over at Inej, whose guilty expression betrayed her. With a huff, Saoirse pulled her coat back up and got to her feet. Kaz and Jesper were recovering their sight, but Alina was gone.

"Find her." Kaz growled.


Saoirse found Kaz at a table in the tavern's back corner when she entered the meeting point. It was dark out now, and she took her hood down. Most of the people in here were too drunk to worry about the colour of her hair, and she knew for a fact her father wouldn't have people looking for her that weren't his own. She imagined the departure of the Shadow and Sun Summoners was being kept quite quiet for as long as possible. Kaz turned his gaze on her, and she shook her head. "I did my best, but I'm no heartrender; I can only track her by sight."

Jesper arrived shortly after, setting a bg down on the table. "The alarm trigger is set, horses are ready and I've stashed the rest of our gear."

"If we don't move soon, the Black General will be on top of us." Kaz said, and Saoirse nodded her agreement. "We can't waste any more time looking for the girl."

Inej joined them then, sitting across from Saoirse. "I just settled our tab with the last of our coin."

Jesper looked disappointed. "We're really going to leave empty-handed, then?"

"Not entirely empty-handed." Kaz corrected. They all turned to look at Saoirse, who chuckled softly.

"True." the Zemeni boy amended. "We recruited the Black Dragon."

She blinked. "Sorry, what?"

Kaz sighed. "I forgot to mention, your reputation in Ketterdam has grown since you left."

"That's an understatement!" Jesper exclaimed. He turned to her with a grin. "You're a legend. Half the city thinks you're a myth, and the other half is scared shitless of you. The Black Dragon, the Ghost, the Monster."

She raised her brows, feeling a twinge of pride as she laughed. "I guess I'd better live up to that reputation then."

Jesper drummed the table excitedly, leaning back in his chair. "This is gonna be so much fun." Just then, an explosion went off outside, setting the four of them on high alert. "Our alarm."

"Split up." Saoirse ordered. "They're easier to take on one-on-one."

Kaz nodded. "Rendezvous at the fountain."

As soon as they stepped out of the tavern, they saw them. Saoirse sucked in a breath, realising she recognised all of them. Ivan, Zoya... and Paulina. She remembered the sound of her shadow blade piercing her twin brother's head. The inferni stared her down with horror and rage. Saoirse raised her hands in surrender. "Paulina-"

"No!" she screamed.

"Move!" Kaz shouted.

The others got clear, and as the wave of fire rolled towards her, Saoirse threw up her hands, wrists crossed, ring and pinky fingers half curled. A shield of roiling darkness formed around her, protecting her. When the fire didn't relent, she gritted her teeth, curling those half-curled fingers all the way and throwing her arms out on either side of her. The shadows surged forward, blinding the Grisha long enough for her to turn and run, jumping through the opening in the stone wall behind her. She rolled as she hit the ground one story below, back on her feet in seconds, and kept going. I'm sorry.

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