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Months pass and Itto has been living with granny Oni for a while...mostly because she is feeling not so well and he has to help around the house which he would gladly do.
He has not heard of the resistance or the general in a while so he pressumes everything is fine again yet now that he is outside to collect some wood for the stove, suddenly shogunate army members seround him to arrest him. He does not know why he got arrested for yet he knows it is best not to fight them yet now he has to since he has Granny Oni to take care off "I have to take care of somebody. Please let me atleast find somebody to take care of her!" He spoke but he got hit on the back of his head and he got knocked out only for him to wake up in a cell. This was not your usual cell as it is not in the city so where could this be? A hide out of a corrupt part of the army? Who knows really. Kujou sarah was not here to investigate, shikanoin Heizou is not here to question him so this is a unoffical base and within there are even just normal civilians. He turns to look at his cellmate who is sitting in the shadows yet when he he looks a little closer to get a better idea of who it is Itto notices it is a very familiar small frame of somebody who he has not seen in months "General Gorou?"

The young man instandly lifts his head and looks up at Itto since previously when they brought him in he did not look at them or Itto and after hours he finally sees who his cellmate is "be silent" he whispers.

Itto gets the memo and sits down besides the young general being carefull not to sit on the man his tail as he leans in a little closer so they could whisper to eachother "why do we have to be silent?" he whispers yet for Itto his whispers are still relatively loud.

Gorou lets out a soft sigh looking around him to see if there are any guards around yet not seeing anybody he turns to look more at Itto "they are planning to sell these people off just for some extra mora. They took us probably because I have a high status and I have some enemies who probably want me dead which means they will pay the price just to see my head on a pike...same goes for you"

Itto looks at the general a little dumb struck "I don't have a high status..."

"You are a gang leader so for you that is a high status and that is what matters to them" he whispers yet right as he was done whispering he gets a shock as they put a collar on Gorou that could give him a shock whenever the guard on duty wishes to do so which caused the general to whimper, flinch and curl up into himself a little bit.

Itto was surprised to see this happen but hearing those guards laugh from a distance he stands up growing angry not liking that they are making fun of the general or even shocking him in general "HEY! Pick somebody of your own size hm?! Yeah thats right! I am challenging you to fight me. If I win he gets to go free! And if I loose well...you can kill me" Itto spoke and grips onto the bars of the cell.

The guards seem more then intrigued they walk over one with the keys and one that would accually fight Itto as they accept the challenge. Once the other opened the cell door Itto grabs trough the railing the stronger taller man and pulls him full force towards the cell so he would bang his head onto the iron bars even indenting it before Itto would grab the smaller guard who stands no guard against Itto and throws him in the cell against the wall as he does not spare these unconcious men a single glance as he looks for the device to release Gorou his collar.

Gorou saw it all happen as it went by so fast yet he just looks at Itto looking for the device and that he did all of this just for him getting hurt made the general smile just a little since nobody has ever been willing to do that for him. Not only that this was incredible smart since Itto knows he could easily knock the bigger guy out aswell for the smaller guy so he is impressed by that aswell "Thank you Itto..." he spoke and once the device is found he feels the collar fall off him but he leans back on his hands since Itto came up really close to inspect the bruising on his neck from the collar "you are smarter then what people give you credit for"

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