Chapter 7.

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Many moons pass and it has been three years now.
In those three years Gorou and Itto got back together raising their beautiful daughters Keiko and Akari who are now four years old.
They have taken Granny Oni into their home so they can take care of her because she has gotten older and needs help with some things.
Gorou enters their home with groceries as he looks at Itto who is helping Granny Oni eat.
"Have you seen Kazuha anywhere I cannot find him"

"Yeah it is odd. I can't find the gang anywhere either but maybe they just need some time alone" he shrugs to himself and continues to help Granny Oni.

Gorou finds this way to odd. Suspicious even.
He walks over to them and presses a kiss on Granny Oni her cheek as a hello as he then gives Itto a kiss on his lips "I am thinking of taking the kids out on a walk. Want to join."

Itto huffs and looks at Gorou with furrowed brows "I really...really want to but you know I cannot leave Granny alone."

"I am not fully immobile Itto. Go on and go on a walk with your family. I need to rest anyways" she gives Itto a reasuring smile and pat on the shoulder before she stands up.
With the help of Itto who walks her to her bedroom and lays her down on her bed even helping tucking her in so she will remain warm.

Itto soon joins Gorou again.
He has a smile on his face when he places his large hands around Gorou his waist "shall we?"

Gorou nods and smiles up at Itto as he holds Keiko and Akari their hands because Itto is still to tall to hold there hands. "Yes" they would all walk together. It would be a slow walk because the kids have small little legs but they didn't mind that whatsoever.
Eventually when the kids did feel tired from walking they pick up one child. Itto picks up Akari and Gorou picks up Keiko being careful her little horns do not poke his face.

Itto looks down a little when they walk past the jewelry shop and he then glances at Gorou smiling softly at him. He watches how he is talking to Keiko, how good and pure he is, just...perfect.
Gorou is the one.
Itto loves him so dearly he forgot to walk as he just stands still looking at Gorou. "Gorou..."

The other his ears perk up once he realises the other is a little further behind so he turns around giving Itto a smile "yes?" He said and walks back to him and once reunited with Itto he smiles up at him.

Itto was just so happy to know Gorou was his...
Out of the blue he just got emotional and he hugs Gorou with one arm since he still had to hold Akari up in his other arm.
"I love you so much" he whispers and pulls away just to give him a kiss on his face.

Gorou smiles even brighter then before his little fangs showing off "I love you more-...
are you crying?"

Itto straightens his posture and shakes his head as his tears roll down his face. Sniffling he clears his throat "real men don't cry AHA uhm..."

"Daddy is a liar" Keiko bluntly said holding onto Gorou her face unmoving and remaining serious.

While Itto his jaw dropped a little Gorou let's out a laugh. "Don't hurt his manliness otherwise he may really cry" he playfully said while he tickles her gently.

Keiko keeps a straight face as she was not ticklish at all and just looks at Gorou with a serious expression.
"Daddy can cry all he wants!" Akari pouts and hugs Itto as tightly as she possibly can with her little arms.

Itto now smiles as well trough the tears that are caused by happiness. Not only is Gorou his...they have two beautiful children with amazing and unique personalities. Everything is perfect and Itto never thought he would get any of those so more tears roll down his face...he didn't cry because he was sad...he cried because he loved them so much and because he is beyond happy that this is his life.
"Can we...go to this spot? Beidou will take care of the kids for a moment. "

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