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Gorou is back at the resistance camp packing things up to go back to Watatsumi island yet he will spend one more night here. At the moment he is sitting at a cliff side with his legs hanging off it staring at the sunset while he is deep in thought not even noticing somebody else joined him yet when he does he flinches as he looks for who it is only to see a familiar face who seems upset and it was Itto. "Before you say anything let me say something first..." Itto spoke and lets out a deep sigh looking at the view before them, looking over the ocean and at the sunset. "You did not know about it so it is not your fault and in truth I should have noticed sooner and connected the dots because of the way you spoke seemed so familiar to me. I know for us both it is pretttyyy awkward now knowing we talked to eachother all this time yet I want you to know that I really like talking to you or ms.hina...it doesn't matter because she is you... I don't care if you are her yes or no, I do not care if you are a woman, man or neither of both...I just wish we keep out friendship" he spoke finally looking at Gorou.

When Itto spoke the general would listen and hearing he is so accepted by Itto makes him smile and tear up all at once since Itto is the only one who teuely accepts him for who he is so he cannot help but look at Itto with tears rolling down his cheeks "I- I would very much like that!" He spoke quickly wiping those tears to try and remain strong.

Itto chuckles softly and wraps his arm around Gorou to pull him closer to him and to keep him close to him "ahw don't cry now! Was it really that emotional what I said? Was it to much or was it not good en-..."

"It was perfect" Gorou interupts and looks up at Itto just leaning into his touch accually enjoying this friendship they have build as they would sit there watching the sunset together yet Itto cannot remain silent for more then two minutes as he would ramble on and on and Gorou would listen to his stories with a smile knowing most of it is made up but that is what impresses him. The way Itto can bring a story to life. They would laugh and chuckle together until the sun is fully set which leads to Gorou standing up and smiling down at Itto "This is my last day on this island before I will have to return to Watatsumi Island...we might not see eachother for a long while as I will be busy there and you will be busy with the gang and granny Oni."

Itto stands up as well looking down at Gorou having a smile on his face yet he won't be easy to get rid of yet "what if i come with you with the gang and granny Oni?"

Gorou shakes his head and looks down again "We still have to settle things with the shogunate army and with Kujou Sarah so I do not want to put you all, especially granny in danger" he spoke before awkwardly since he does not know what to say afterwards.

Itto nods his smile fading a little since he wishes to stay with his friend yet if Gorou wants this then he will have to except it "okay-...okay no yes! That is totally understandable!" He spoke and clears his troath since he himself is a little awkward since both feel some form of tension between them "I guess this is goodbye then?"

What was unexpected for Gorou is that he got pulled into a hug and within that hug even got lifted off the ground because the other is hugging him so tightly. He never received a hug before so he panicks at first yet when he calms down he would slowly hug Itto back: closing his eyes, burrying his face in his neck as he seems to finally smile and relax juat fully accepting the affection that he always has longed for in his life. "You dont have to squeeze so hard though" Gorou chuckles pulling away and keeps his arms wrapped around the oni his neck to remain stable yet a soldier saw and thought they are doing something else...more so that they were about to kiss so he would leave and the rumor would spread like wild fire trough the camp.

When Itto sets the general down on the ground he holds onto his waist to make sure he is standing properly "are you okay? Does your leg still hurt? I realise now I shouldn't pick you up since you are like a fragile porcelain doll"

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