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This chapter contains violence

Two weeks have passed by now and the problem still is not been solved in Watatsumi Island as the Fatui keeps in infiltrating the island making the soldier, Gorou, kokomi habe a really hard time to keep defending it as they come in large groups.
Gorou is currently writing a letter back to Itto like he promised he would do which says.

Everything is going well so far!

I have been feeling a little sick but that is maybe because of exhaustion and having to constandly fight. I cannot wait to see you again.
I still do not need your help so do not worry that I will get hurt. We are doing perfectly fine.

I hope you are doing well now too?
We are planning a attack for tomorrow so I hope I get to see you soon


Having finished the letter Gorou would stand up feeling lightheaded and dizzy yet holding on the table he remains standing. He would wait for the ink to dry before he he rolls it up and hands it to somebody who can deliver the letter.
Gorou truely downplayed the part of being ill. He would wake up having to rush to the washroom to vommit or he would have to vommit because of a certains smell.
Thinking something is wrong with his stomach he touches it and he feels how hard it feels resulting in him letting out a sigh thinking something is erong with his digestive system..
The general goes to look for Sangonomiya Kokomi and upon finding her just reading a book habing some time off he explains the situation to her as she would see what could be wrong yet before she can tell Gorou a soldier runs in which gets their attention.

Out of breath the soldier feels like he would pass out from having ran so long "your excellency! General! There is a ambush! They have come with a army instead of a group!"

Wanting to run off Gorou feels Kokomi grab his hand "sit this one down General..."

Confused the man waits for her to let go of his hand "They need me more then ever! I will be carefull " he spoke and runs off.
The devine priestress lets out a deep sigh and starts to write a letter to Itto herself wishing to inform her on Gorou his condition as well to inform him that he should come here as quickly as he can get here to help in the fight but most importantly of all...be with Gorou.
Gorou would run and run yet all this running causes him to stop feeling nausea take over his body which results in him gripping onto a tree and have to vommit again feeling absolutely miserable.

"General are you sure you can fight?! Like her excellency said. You might want to sit this one out?" That soldier of earlier who informed them of what is happened said.

Nodding Gorou would straighten his posture again and wash his face of with the water of a small puddle nearby "y-yes I will be fine! Lets just go and protect her excellency her Island" He spoke getting his bow out and would run onto the battlefield.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

Itto would wait days for the letter Gorou had written to arrive yet they never did and neither did the letter from Kokomi herself do he grows nervous and anxious wondering if something is wrong; Wondering if he got hurt. Many people told him he should not go to the island since there must be a reason he is not sending letters (implying he is busy) yet Itto needs to see if Gorou is alright, if he is safe and hasn't forgotten about him. Heading to the island which took almost a days time almost immitatly he can see the fight happening in the distance that has been going on for days now. He rushes over to it trying to find Gorou amidst the chaos yet when he does he sees the general is covered head till toe in blood and he seems visibly tired and week from the days of fighting without breaks as he seems like he could collapse at any second. Itto dodges many attacks and rushes to Gorou taking him in his embrace so that a attack of a enemy would not hit Gorou but himself instead. When holding the other Gorou instandly collapses in his arms "Take him to the devine priestress! I'll handle this!" He spoke to the soldier who to his surprise accually listen to him and take Gorou away since they simply cannot loose their general. Itto looks at him being serounded by fatui agents as he grins and takes out the large geo created club "come on. Show my what you got..."

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